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Jake Unban Appeal - Printable Version

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Jake Unban Appeal - Jake - Aug 14, 2015

Your Name: What is your name? Jake

Ban ID: What is your Ban ID? 200

Banned by: Which administrator or moderator that has issued your ban? Raptor

Server: Which server did it happen on? x33

Ban Reason: What did the administrator or moderator list for the reason of the ban? RDM x3 lying about it

Why should you be unbanned?: Why do you think you deserve/should be unbanned? I admit that I RDM'd, but I think the ban should be reduced from current time (5 days) to maybe 1 day. This is due to the fact that I killed the other player the first time as he tried to run me over and kill me. The two other times I admit wrongdoing simply as he followed me and I killed him. I did not lie about anything, but I do admit to RDM x2

Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures. No evidence.

Re: Jake Unban Appeal - Jake - Aug 14, 2015

No reply on this even though it was before others and raptor was online?

Re: Jake Unban Appeal - Raptor - Aug 15, 2015

You shouldn't post unban requests if you know you broke the rules asking for a discrease in the how long the ban is is not up to you.

Denied, follow forum rules.