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Report on Owlet and one other - Printable Version

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Report on Owlet and one other - KeyBind - Aug 14, 2015

Name of Player: [FL:RP] Owlet and one other (see video, didn't get name)

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:39594589

Server: v33x at 10:45PM GMT+1(BST)

Summary: Literally, just sitting there and two cops come up and blast me with their weapons, saying nothing but "Hello" and "Lol". It is worth to note that Owlet was seen in OOC advertising FL and generally saying that the server was bad


Re: Report on Owlet and one other - Wood - Aug 16, 2015

Case reviewed and closed.

User has been suspended for 1 week for advertising and RDMing.