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Unban request - BeepBeepImAJeep - Printable Version

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Unban request - BeepBeepImAJeep - Attackmedaddy - Aug 21, 2015

Your Name: Tomas Thirlwall - BeepBeepImAJeep

Ban ID: 420 (hehehehe)

Banned by: Mahti

Server: v2d

Ban Reason: teabagging a body

Why should you be unbanned?: I was not teabagging anyone, I crouched to beat the floor. I never hit that mans body and I also never teabagged him... I can't see why im banned as the BR doesnt accuse me of anything. I can see how the video may be misleading and understand completely. But I feel I did nothing wrong. I was saying In game "stop resisting" and hitting the floor (which I admit could have been slightly failRP) I dont feel its ban-able as I didnt break any rules (in my opinion)

Evidence: (original ban video)

Re: Unban request - BeepBeepImAJeep - Mahti - Aug 21, 2015

So let's see, you are yelling stop resisting and hitting the ground not wondering why the person even got tazed, No thats really what the SWAT does on the street. I didn't issue punishment because of the "Teabagging" but for shooting the body and overall the general FailRP you and rest of the SWAT were doing.

Re: Unban request - BeepBeepImAJeep - Attackmedaddy - Aug 21, 2015

I believe we were respond to a call and heading back when we ran into Dex and something (which warranted arrest - I cant remember exactly what) occured. I also dont believe I shot the body and if I did it was a miss click. In the video the Sargent steps on the tazed mans hand, that is where the blood came from. And im sure if you were to check the logs it would back up that I never shot. However I may be incorrect.

Re: Unban request - BeepBeepImAJeep - Mahti - Aug 21, 2015

Alright I mistook you for another player, Unban will be issued and ban deleted from the record. But remember not to "Bandwagon" with mingey SWAT team, Whole "Stop resisting!" Was still FailRP. Sorry for the inconvenience

Re: Unban request - BeepBeepImAJeep - Attackmedaddy - Aug 21, 2015

Thank you very much  Smile. Sorry for the fail rp, it will not happen again. Thank you again.