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Unban Request - Printable Version

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Unban Request - Klinex - Aug 6, 2015

Your Name: [L²:RP] ^Piggeh

Ban ID: -

Banned by: Ollie

Server: v33x
Ban Reason: FearRP

Why should you be unbanned?: Well, i'll just explain what happened.  I was standing on the pavement with my car parked up on the side.  A taxi drove past shouting 'He is parking illegally arrest this man!'. the officer (cant remember the exact name, i know it begins with R haha) said 'I'm not going to arrest you, you're fine there for now.  I am a nice cop!'.  I later proceeded to go onto the steam overlay to help my friend/cousin fix his game as every vehicle was an error, i noticed in the background an officer (the same guy) standing right next to my car, so, i exited the overlay, he got in narrowly missing me and driving off with my car.  I chased the car as he drove it down into the nexus garage, he got out the car so i got in and reversed out.  He pointed his gun at me shouting 'Get out the car!'.  I then turned the engine off, and spoke to him in LOOC about him randomly taking my car, and that's about as far as it went, as i got banned immediately afterwards.  My cousin spoke to the admin about this and i was told to post here.

Evidence: I have no evidence as i was banned too quick to have grabbed anything.

I can see how Ollie may have seen this as fearRP, but i was trying to explain to him what he had done.  Ollie, i totally respect you and you decision, but i wish you would've spoke to me in-game rather than banning immediately.  I would also like to state again that i was trying to tell him he was taking my vehicle for no reason in LOOC, and got banned straight after.  Smile

EDIT: I would like to ask Ollie as to what exactly he thought was the FearRP infraction, so I could answer with my side of the story and further expedite this process.

Re: Unban Request - Decay - Aug 6, 2015

Razz called me over saying someone was breaking FearRP, I teleport over and I hover over the car for awhile, Razz is telling you over and over to exit the vehicle while you were asking him to " why should i?" and " I dont think so " (something along those lines)

It was a FearRP breakage, he had a gun to you and you didn't comply with orders given.

If you think the cops are doing illegitimate role play and putting you under gun point for an invalid reason still do as he says and call a staff member. 2 wrongs doesn't make a right.

Re: Unban Request - Klinex - Aug 6, 2015

I thought it would be best not to call an admin for such a minor thing because they generally have more important calls to go handle. I thought I could just politely tell him how to properly handle the situation and it would be all good.  Of course at first i said 'Why should i?'.  I know how that probably came across wrong, but remember this was all in LOOC no IC which is why i wasn't complying with his orders, (i did however turn the enging off in the car, so it was clear i was going nowhere.) I was midway through typing 'You just took my car, and got out, so i got back in and you put me under gun point' before i was banned without you even looking further into the situation. If anything, you could've at least waited a little longer to see how to situation had ended up like.  I was trying to resolve the problem without disturbing any of the admins rp's and if it went further i would've of course asked for help from you or any other admin. 

As for the 2 wrongs don't make a right statement, i was doing nothing wrong besides not getting out of my car because i was typing what he had done wrong in LOOC. Surely he should be spoken to about allowing me to park my car somewhere and then just taking it and driving off almost killing me.

Re: Unban Request - Nacreas - Aug 7, 2015

Don't take the situation into your own hands. I do not support an unban.

Re: Unban Request - Decay - Aug 7, 2015


You broke FearRP, as Nac said: Don't take the situation into your own hands

Re: Unban Request - Decay - Aug 7, 2015
