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Unban /shorten request - Printable Version

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Unban /shorten request - Verenikin - Aug 6, 2015

Your Name: What is your name?

Ban ID: 19

Banned by: [L²] PREDITOR OF WAR

Server: V2d

Ban Reason: Extreme admin disrespect, player disrespect. Learn the rules when you come back, and get a nicer atittude pleas

Why should you be unbanned?: Because the ban reason was wrong, and the length even more wrong. This all stems from this admin being mad over me choosing to RP getting on the ground instead of "crouching" (which is just as much getting on the ground as standing still). Quite some time later, he brings me up and starts talking about some "attitude" and making excuses for ignoring me, after I had complained to him over what I perceived as him ignoring me. In reality he probably just didn't want to deal with what he saw as a legitimate arrest.

When he talks about "learning the rules", he is talking about the very disturbing fact that apparently arrests are now no longer admin cases. However I did not read a rule that stated this exact thing.

About the extreme disrespect, there was no such thing. Yes, perhaps there was disrespect, but in the form of accusations, "talking back" as he said, and the simple fact that I was arguing my case and refusing to accept his "arguments". That's not extreme disrespect. When we were talking up on that roof I wasn't swearing at him or calling him slurs. Extreme disrespect is not correct, and is a simple excuse for giving me the 3rd longest ban (excluding perms) so far on this server.

Tell me, why does a simple case of not agreeing to an admin and "talking back" to him as he says, warrant a 3 times longer ban than RDM and failRP, or fearRP? The length of this ban is utterly unjustified. In fact, people committing "massive RDM" received shorter bans than me. He simply didn't want to argue with me and banned me for 4 days. If this ban is not to be removed, it should at least be seriously reduced.

Evidence: N/A

Re: Unban /shorten request - Preditor - Aug 7, 2015

I gave you many chances, and yet you continued to PM me, and not even follow the rules. I told you to get on the ground with a tazer on you, and you refused to get on the ground or even RP it. You just stood there and said you were on the ground. Secondly in PM you called the people I was playing with p****** and also insulted my intelligence. I told you to stop for the time being yet in the end you continued, you continued to the point of me and all the staff on the server bringing you up to a roof to talk to you. From there you were still aggressive and disrespectful. Instead of simply saying "I understand" you continued to argue with the whole staff in the situation and be disrespectful. I gave you many chances yet you continued to be rude not only to me personally, but to the players I was with and also my fellow staff members.

And because of what I stated above, I do not see why you should be unbanned.

Re: Unban /shorten request - Megascotty77 - Aug 7, 2015

As a witness of this, your attitude was definitely unacceptable. You were sour to me and Preditor, as well as the people who were talking about it too. Even the people who were asking you to take it to PM or stop and think about what you were doing.

Re: Unban /shorten request - Verenikin - Aug 7, 2015

(Aug 7, 2015, 02:28 AM)Preditor link Wrote: I gave you many chances, and yet you continued to PM me, and not even follow the rules. I told you to get on the ground with a tazer on you, and you refused to get on the ground or even RP it. You just stood there and said you were on the ground. Secondly in PM you called the people I was playing with p****** and also insulted my intelligence. I told you to stop for the time being yet in the end you continued, you continued to the point of me and all the staff on the server bringing you up to a roof to talk to you. From there you were still aggressive and disrespectful. Instead of simply saying "I understand" you continued to argue with the whole staff in the situation and be disrespectful. I gave you many chances yet you continued to be rude not only to me personally, but to the players I was with and also my fellow staff members.

And because of what I stated above, I do not see why you should be unbanned.

Right, so now you're lying.

"I told you to get on the ground with a tazer on you, and you refused to get on the ground or even RP it."

First off, as I told you, crouching is NOT getting on the ground. I **DID** RP it, I clearly told you that I am on the ground. You simply refused to accept it as being on the ground for whatever reason, but if someone wasn't RP'ing here it definitely wasn't me.

"I gave you many chances, and yet you continued to PM me,"

Ignoring me or not being able to write to me, whichever it was, isn't giving me any chances.

"there you were still aggressive and disrespectful. Instead of simply saying "I understand""

Because I don't agree. You believe that you and your friends have the right to be a dick to me without me being a dick, which I will never agree with.

As for calling them "pussies", ganging up on 1 guy as 3 SRU, is just that. That's an IC thing, not an OOC thing.

(Aug 7, 2015, 02:31 AM)Megascotty77 link Wrote: As a witness of this, your attitude was definitely unacceptable. You were sour to me and Preditor, as well as the people who were talking about it too. Even the people who were asking you to take it to PM or stop and think about what you were doing.

So in your opinion, being "sour" warrants a longer ban than mass RDM?

I think this is a case of an admin letting his emotions get away with him, and banning someone for an absolutely unreasonable amount of time.
This isn't as much of an unban request as it is a request to shorten the absolutely ridiculous ban length, if you seriously think that not agreeing with you deserves as longer ban than mass RDM, then you are mistaken.

Re: Unban /shorten request - Preditor - Aug 7, 2015

As I've stated and no I am not lying, those messages were clearly not in IC, you refused to follow an administrator's demand regarding the rules and you continued to be rude and disruptive to not only the players but the team on the servers at the time.

More importantly, if you don't agree with an administrator's final statement why are you even playing here in the first place? Your arrogance to accept the situation, and continuing to argue with staff and your attitude is what resorted in your ban.

Re: Unban /shorten request - Verenikin - Aug 7, 2015

(Aug 7, 2015, 10:02 PM)Preditor link Wrote: As I've stated and no I am not lying, those messages were clearly not in IC, you refused to follow an administrator's demand regarding the rules and you continued to be rude and disruptive to not only the players but the team on the servers at the time.

More importantly, if you don't agree with an administrator's final statement why are you even playing here in the first place? Your arrogance to accept the situation, and continuing to argue with staff and your attitude is what resorted in your ban.

No, you were lying, you were lying about me not RP'ing that situation, which as I have explained to you several times, I did.

You never told me to stop PM'ing you (although I should've stopped), and I was only disrespectful to players who were disrespectful towards me. 

Regardless of this, a 4 day ban is still far too much. The disrespect was not "extreme", my language could have been far worse, and far worse things are uttered every day on the server. Other people get a day for disrespect, you were simply "fed up" with me and thus banned me for a completely outrageous amount of time.

Yes, I was in the wrong, but I will always argue my case, as I did. As to the rules, I never read any rule that stated that RDA is handled in-character. I will take your word for it as you are an administrator, but I must say that such a rule is very wrong and basically gives carte blanche for any minge to become a cop and RDA with a dictator president. Had I known that this was how it worked (because last time I played, which was quite a while ago, it was not) I would not have sent you those PM's.

But are you implying that being "rude" towards an admin warrants a worse punishment than mass RDM? I'm not denying that I was disrespectful, but nothing I said to you warranted anything more than a one day ban at most.

A 4 day ban is far too much in a case like this, all I ask is that you reduce it.

Re: Unban /shorten request - Preditor - Aug 7, 2015


I gave you many chances to drop the subject, I was even going to warn you when we brought you up and I was in the mid process of doing so, and you continued to back-talk and disrespect staff decisions.