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Favourite Marvel character(s) - Printable Version

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Favourite Marvel character(s) - Innovative - Aug 4, 2015

What is your favourite marvel character(s)

Mine is Iron Man

Re: Favourite Marvel character(s) - GRiiM - Aug 4, 2015

Iron Man also Smile

Re: Favourite Marvel character(s) - Dig - Aug 4, 2015

[Image: 2761863-452345_jpg_deadpool_s977x788_64464.jpg]

Re: Favourite Marvel character(s) - franku - Aug 4, 2015

[Image: smyNVlM.jpg]

Re: Favourite Marvel character(s) - Doodleh - Aug 4, 2015


Re: Favourite Marvel character(s) - Safira - Aug 4, 2015

Ironman. He's rich.

Off topic: anybody else realise that Antman is Mike from Friends?

[img width=300][/img]

[img width=300][/img]

Re: Favourite Marvel character(s) - Doodleh - Aug 4, 2015

(Aug 4, 2015, 11:14 AM)Safira link Wrote: Ironman. He's rich.

Off topic: anybody else realise that Antman is Mike from Friends?

[img width=300][/img]

[img width=300][/img]

He sure made a carreer.

Re: Favourite Marvel character(s) - Ben - Aug 4, 2015

It's really hard to choose, but i'll list my three current favorites:

Deadpool for obvious reasons.

[Image: buQODed.png]

Wolverine because he's a badass.

[Image: 90F6yhp.jpg]

And finally Daredevil, especially Charlie Cox's portrayal of him on Netflix.

[Image: N0baMDs.jpg]

Re: Favourite Marvel character(s) - Trident - Aug 29, 2015


[Image: gambit-x-men-movie-writer.jpg]

2. Cliche Deadpool of course
[Image: deadpool_icon___png_by_axeswy-d6alhm4.png]

3. And Thor

[Image: 1559112-thor.jpg]


tied with 3rd:

[Image: 635501097315239668-Sputnik-Giveaway-FINAL.jpg]

Re: Favourite Marvel character(s) - Michael - Aug 29, 2015

My favourite is Iron Man.

Re: Favourite Marvel character(s) - Brennan - Aug 29, 2015

Queue Rolo and a huge essay on every character.

Iron Man is my favourite

Re: Favourite Marvel character(s) - Tawee - Aug 29, 2015

My favourite Marvel character has to be Daredevil.

Re: Favourite Marvel character(s) - Raptor - Aug 29, 2015

I'm more of a DC person.

Re: Favourite Marvel character(s) - Rolorox - Aug 31, 2015

(Aug 29, 2015, 02:14 PM)Brennan link Wrote: Queue Rolo and a huge essay on every character.

Iron Man is my favourite

oiiii maatteeeee Big GrinDD

But man how do you pick a favorite marvel character? The universe is just phenomenal! I like so god damn many. I guess I will pick one from each category. Coolest powers, Favorite Backstory, Favorite Team up, Coolest male, Coolest Female and most fuckin OP MATE!

Coolest powers is definitely Sentry hands down. With the people dubbing The Sentry as the world's most powerful superhero, and with the serum causing a photosynthetic reaction to his body, completely altering his state of consciousness, it is nonetheless conceivable that Sentry's powers are limitless, and may even rival those of the Silver Surfer's and Phoenix's. He literally has powers ranging from super-strength and super-speed, to invulnerability, and flight. Plus so many more.

[Image: sentry_marvel_fan_art_by_jor_el__by_robe...8k45oe.png]

Favorite Backstory ugh.... I would say Daredevil but I think I will go with Captain Marvel, or better known as Shazam in his most recent incarnation. It is about a homeless orphan named Billy Batson who was lead into an eerie underground chamber filled with statues of the "seven deadly enemies of man," he met Shazam down there who is an ancient wizard. Shazam gave Billy incredible powers like super strength and flight and speed, which were given to him through the power of a lightning bolt. Any time Billy would shout Shazam! He would be struck by lightning and turn from a kid into a full grown adult with super powers! It was like every kids dream!

[Image: shazam_____colors___by_andre_vaz-d4wh7xe.jpg]

Favorite team up! This one is a personal love of mine. Honorably mention to when Spiderman and Captain Britain teamed up. Two amazing heroes and shit was funny as hell. But, and I am so looking forward to the possibility of the uncanny adventures making their way to the big screen. A plot based around the Avengers Unity Squad which was created after the Avengers vs Xmen Storyline and when Magneto and his anti human force was starting to win. Great heroes from both factions came together to make this United team. Old members included Captain America (Wilson),
Havok, Sabretooth, Scarlet Witch, Odinson, Sunfire, Wasp, Wolverine, Wonder Man and Vision. The current members are Brother Voodoo, Deadpool, Human Torch, Quicksilver, Rogue, Spider-Man, Psynapse and Steve Rogers being the only one to have stayed on it from almost the beginning.

[Image: 2978219-uncanny+avengers.jpg]

Coolest Male is definitely Cable! His origen story is that Cable, born Christopher Charles Summers, is the son of Scott Summers (the X-Man Cyclops) and Madelyne Pryor, who was a clone of Jean Grey. Mr. Sinister had hoped to use the boy as a weapon against Apocalypse but was unable to do so. Apocalypse infected the infant with a techno-organic virus, an incurable affliction. Cable was taken to the future and raised. He returned to the present to fight Stryfe and to stop the ascension of Apocalypse in the future. He is the son of 2 or the most badass heroes and he travels through time fighting apocalypse. Not only does he use awesome futuristic weapons but also weaves this in with his psionic powers to create some unreal weaponry. This badass would fight through time while carrying his daughter (Hope Summers) on his chest!

[Image: cable.jpg]

Coolest female well Sersi is pretty unreal, sexy and strong as fudge! But I am going to have to go with the daughter just because I love their timeline so much. That's right, daughter of Cable, Hope Summers. She is the first mutant born after M-Day,(for those who don't know, M-Day refers to when, after altering reality so mutants were the dominant race, the Scarlet Witch then changed reality again, this time attempting to rid the world of the mutant gene. 91.4% of the world's mutant population lost their powers overnight.) Hope Summers is believed to either be the mutant messiah or the harbinger of death for humanity. She is an Omega-level power mimic, and possesses a connection to the Phoenix Force. She is not only badass but man, the entire story around her is phenomenal! She has unreal powers but doesn't even need them to be dangerous and badass as seen in this picture after losing her abilities.

[Image: 3900528-7909069844-pic17.jpg]

Finally the most OP Marvel Character.... well many people will argue its the Hulk, or Thor, The Silver surfer or Frank Richards.... But the truth is, it is freaking Graviton! During an explosion in his lab, Franklin Hall's molecules got fused with sub-nuclear graviton particles. This guy came out of it being able to control Gravity. To literally an infinite extent. He is still growing and learning the reach of his powers but (and people can argue all day that he isn't the most op) this guy can literally crush everything alive. He can implode the earth if he was able to reach that level of strength. The dude is seen many times holding down the likes of the Hulk and Thor. What is more op than crushing someone under the force of gravity. Dude could seriously destroy the universe. Thankfully he has not reached his full potential, because even at his current power he was able to subdue the entire avengers force, until Iron Man go the jump on him. Dude has gone through other dimensions, since he is theoretically gravity itself, to beat death. but he doesn't know how to control it. He just has gotten pretty lucky so far. Here he is taking on the entire team of Thunderbolts.

[Image: Thunderbolts_17_cvr.jpg]

Thanks for reading haha

Re: Favourite Marvel character(s) - Link - Sep 2, 2015

Iron man.