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ban whitout doing nothing - Printable Version

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ban whitout doing nothing - Fetty - Jul 13, 2020

Your Name: lucas steam name fetty

Ban ID: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]10020

Banned by: [L²] Marsh

Server: CityRP

Ban Reason: proppushing a vehicle to charge for its recovery - similar & extensive priors

Why should you be unbanned?:  so thers is no evidens  i puch yea  but whit my car i have no priors  for dis just try have  good  rp on limelight  then dis happens for no reson
CLARIFY: ni priors of prop puching
Evidence: none


- Limelight Gaming - Jul 13, 2020

The staff-members have received your unban-request, LikeCollin.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: ban whitout doing nothing - MrMarsh - Jul 13, 2020

Dear Collin,
thank you for your appeal. I can assure you that there is solid evidence of this as i reviewed the incident several times. As for your priors you do have priors for car theft and scamming. Those were the two i was refrencing, as you immediatly after you pushed the vehicle tried to hook it with the towtruck in an effort to charge for its release. Ill grant you that the scamming prior is a bit older so im willing to adjust that. As for the rest of the penalty i see no reason for adjustments based on the following observions:

The main issue isnt you pushing him with your car (though unless you have a really good reason to cause that ammount of road rage, which could clearly induce bodily harm and would constitute a felony this too is a concerning issue). The most troubling thing is that you proppushed and smacked the vehicle several times actively hindering the victim from recovering it before you tried to forcefully recover it yourself in the before mentioned effort to charge for its release. You even went so far to tow the car with the owner insight charging down century street in the wrong lane, causing the vehicle to flip a few times. Which does not appear to be all to realistic or helpfull.

At this point i will have to inform you that lying in the courthouse seciton is an offense for obvious reasons.

Just because you do not recall me seeing the situation or think i may have missed it all together doesnt mean i am unable to either watch that situation in disguise or get sufficient evidence through other means. Your actions should not depend on the visible presence of a staff member but on your general compliance with our ruleset.

I gotta admit that by know you quite frankly should know much better then this. It is pretty obvious that this was not an accident. Nor was it an isolated joke.

You were infact told to stop several times and made aware that the situation will be passed on to staff. You had a fair chance to stop.

Ill leave you some time to reply so we can discuss this further though i remind you that you will have to be honest here. At your request i am happy to get other staff members involved to validate the evidence, since i unfortunatly wont be able to share it with you. If you would like a particular staff member to review the situation feel free to let me know and we will see if we can arrange a proper review.

Since you seem to recall last nights events though i am quite confident that we are on the same page here though.

with kind regards,

RE: ban whitout doing nothing - Fetty - Jul 13, 2020

i have no prios of scaming people  i dint scam him  i givet his car  back  and  you need a every good reson to ram a car when its says it is semi sireur rp that donst make any sens you also sad  i pouch the car more 1 time i yea puch  the car mabay but it was  olny 1 time
and i stil dosnt  see any evdinces about


RE: ban whitout doing nothing - MrMarsh - Jul 15, 2020

You do have a prior for scamming. As i said that one is a bit older so im willing to adjust that. As for the rest @Ketchup‍ was so kind to review the evidence. Unfortunatly I wont be able to share it with you but i am sure that he can agree with my overall assestment.

Overall tough i cant help but think you seem more curious about the way i found rather then the accusation itself. Your actions should not depend on wether or not you think they are tracable - they should depend on wether or not you are doing the right thing.

I am leaving this open for a little bit so ketchup can reply if he has sth to add and i once again would like to remind you that you must not lie in the courthouse. The evidence we both reviewed showed you nudging the car several times as your initial attempt of throwing him into the ravine did not succeed. I find it quite hard to imagine any narrative that could claim this and the following actions to be accidental.

RE: ban whitout doing nothing - MrMarsh - Jul 19, 2020

To bring this case to a conclusion:

Not only did you need 2 attempts to shove the vehicle down the ravine, but you also returned to find the victim & his car back on the road so you decided to ram it back down again. It is incomprehensible how this would be anything but malicious intend.

Even though we are a semi serious RP server we still require reasoning behind our characters actions, especially those that do harm people. Just because you think there was no one watching you it does not mean that we are unable to extract sufficient evidence about it. Our visible presence should not be the foundation on which you decide what to do / not to do.

Unfortunatly Ketchup couldnt comment in time though i know that he has reviewed the case as well and im sure he can fill you in about his personal assesstment. He happens to agree with me.

So this appeal will have to be denied

(I will edit the note regarding the prior though as it is a little old)

Regardless of the matter i wish you a good Evening and a smoth return.

with kind regards,