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PR -> Diesel, Who? - Printable Version

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PR -> Diesel, Who? - brave soldier - Apr 27, 2020

Reported Players: Diesel (STEAM_0:1:180596177) (@'Diesel') , Who? (STEAM_0:0:92645831) (@Sarrage)
Server: EU Live
Time: 2020-Apr-27 15:39
Summary: they broke failRP by killing me in middle of main street.

RE: PR -> Diesel, Who? - Reebs - Apr 27, 2020

Under review.

RE: PR -> Diesel, Who? - Reebs - Apr 27, 2020

I would class this more as RDM than FailRP.

Awaiting accused. They have 24 hours to respond.

@"Diesel"‍ @Sarrage

RE: PR -> Diesel, Who? - usman - Apr 27, 2020

if you class this as RDM, then you're wrong we had our reason. 
There were also absoloute no other person in the city exept our target, the police moved into grassy field so it was safe for us

RE: PR -> Diesel, Who? - brave soldier - Apr 27, 2020

(Apr 27, 2020, 06:51 PM)Diesel Wrote: if you class this as RDM, then you're wrong we had our reason. 
There were also absoloute no other person in the city exept our target, the police moved into grassy field so it was safe for us

i got banned for raiding someone who lives next to nexus and there was only me and him in the server So no it is failRP..

RE: PR -> Diesel, Who? - usman - Apr 27, 2020

That is another story mate, shooting in the city is not failrp

RE: PR -> Diesel, Who? - brave soldier - Apr 27, 2020

(Apr 27, 2020, 06:54 PM)Diesel Wrote: That is another story mate, shooting in the city is not failrp

it wasn't shooting it was killing and also shooting consider as failRP as well.

RE: PR -> Diesel, Who? - usman - Apr 27, 2020

So you are telling me that someone shooting inside a city is failrp?

RE: PR -> Diesel, Who? - brave soldier - Apr 27, 2020

(Apr 27, 2020, 06:57 PM)Diesel Wrote: So you are telling me that someone shooting inside a city is failrp?

failRP means stuff that is impossible to happen IRL

have you ever seen person murdering a guy next to the police station : No.
have you ever seen person shooting next to the police station : No.

RE: PR -> Diesel, Who? - usman - Apr 27, 2020

So shooting inside a nexus is failrp?

RE: PR -> Diesel, Who? - brave soldier - Apr 27, 2020

(Apr 27, 2020, 07:03 PM)Diesel Wrote: So shooting inside a nexus is failrp?

Thats something else. when there is dictatorship you have nothing to do unless raiding nexus and killing the president 

but in the sitoation you were killing citizen.

RE: PR -> Diesel, Who? - usman - Apr 27, 2020

Oh man, are you trying to change it now? make it seem like you're just a citizen doing nothing to make it look like its rdm?

RE: PR -> Diesel, Who? - brave soldier - Apr 27, 2020

(Apr 27, 2020, 07:10 PM)Diesel Wrote: Oh man, are you trying to change it now? make it seem like you're just a citizen doing nothing to make it look like its rdm?

i am not trying to change Lmfao. i am not making it look like ''Rdm'' i mugged you yes. but you killed me in middle of main street thats  failRP. ;)

RE: PR -> Diesel, Who? - Sarrage - Apr 27, 2020

have you ever seen person murdering a guy next to the police station : No.

have you ever seen person shooting next to the police station : No.

Bro the police had moved their station to outside the city + you robbed diesel in the city and you are saying that you getting killed in the city is failrp

RE: PR -> Diesel, Who? - Reebs - Apr 27, 2020

What was the reason for the kill? It seems VERY random from what I can see in the video.