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unwarant request - Printable Version

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unwarant request - brave soldier - Mar 24, 2020

your name: Brave soldier

warning ID: 4478

[font=Roboto, sans-serif]I[/font]ssued by:
[font=Roboto, sans-serif][L²] Marsh[/font]

Reason : [font=Roboto, sans-serif]building a giant swastika flag[/font]

[font=Roboto, sans-serif][font=Roboto, sans-serif]Why should it be removed? :So this happened when i first joined i had about 16 hours i was really new didn't read the rules or any, i don't know what i was thinking about when i made it and i am really sorry about it and sorry for the people that got offended because of it and i hope this gets removed because i don't want this kind of stuff to be in my history because people will take bad picture of me[/font][/font]
[font=Roboto, sans-serif][font=Roboto, sans-serif][font=Roboto, sans-serif][b]Evidence:  NONE[/b][/font][/font][/font]

RE: unwarant request - MrMarsh - Mar 25, 2020

Thank you for the appeal.
After our discussion i came to the conclusion that i can offer you to alter the warnings description in a more discrete manner.

I can understand that you were probably not thinking too much about it / kinda goofing off. As you were a little new to the community back then i decided to leave you with a warning as a rather mild penalty (since there is little consequence to a warning unless you repeat the offense), taking those circumstances to account.
I dont think the removal of the penalty would be appropriate as you acknowledge that it did happen and as it was a clear violation of the rules. Furthermore the warnings itself as I already explained bares no harsh consequences other then the "bad picture". Warnings are primarily just that: a "warning" with the intent to advice you of your misstake, and keep track of said misstake or violation.

However I appreciate your apology and can understand that you dont want to be associated with that kind of extremist content. Afterall the incident seemed more like a case of poor judgement than a malicious act.

I can understand that you want to distance yourself from that particular incident and seeing it as it did not seem intentionally malicious (as explained above) im willing to let you keep your face here through an slight alteration of the warning reason. Though I dont see the need to remove the warning as a whole since we both agree that the violation occured.


During the brief discussion we had on steam you mentioned other staff @Apollo‍ saw the dupe (a swastika flag) prior to me issuing the warning.
Thus ill leave this appeal open for a little so we Apollo can provide some input (if he recalls the incident) and we can have a fair and transparent discussion

till then i wish you a good evening

with kind regards,

RE: unwarant request - Apollo - Mar 25, 2020


Not sure I recall this incident, though I wouldn't allow someone to openly display something as such extremity as that. Though I am in agreeance to what Marsh has stated.

RE: unwarant request - brave soldier - Mar 26, 2020

hey @Apollo‍ do you remember this one time when i was getting raided by officers for having the flag out of my house and i called because it wasn't a good reason for them to raid me and you came and told them it isn't good reason to raid me and i think you saw the flag and didn't gave me a warning or even talked with me about it

RE: unwarant request - MrMarsh - Mar 29, 2020

To conclude this appeal.

I thank you for reaching out to me and i understand that this rule violation was likely not caused with malitious intend but rather some sort of ill advised joke. Since we are both in agreement that id did occur however i see no sufficient reason to remove the penalty.
It seems like Apollo does not recall that event. Even if he was on at the time or had a glimps at it - his presence/him possibly ignoring the flag would still not allow it.

Though understanding your concern I am willing to alter the warning using a more discrete wording.

I thank you both for your time and wish you a good evening.

With kind regards,