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ubr - Cicero - Feb 2, 2020

Your Name:
Ban ID:
Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. And tag their forum account. (@administratorsname)
Ban Reason:
Stealing a vehicle without sufficient background rp
Why should you be unbanned?:
Basically I stole the car without having my house first because I thought the glitch where all the doors say $0 and you can't buy them was still happening, as it was happening only 2 days ago, and so I stole it knowing where I wanted it and when I got there I actually pressed f2 on the door to find that the glitch has been fixed so I bought the doors after I stole it.
Like if I knew the doors were fixed I would of done it before stealing it, but I still bought them after so I don't see the issue, I guess I could of checked the doors to see if they were fixed before but I was still thinking they were broken. 
I was also selling this car to someone as they said they wanted it, I can't remember their name as it had some unusual symbols in it.
I don't really see what punishing me for this teaches as I already knew it, that's why I bought the house after to correct myself when I noticed the glitch was fixed. Just seems like a pointless punishment to me.

- Limelight Gaming - Feb 2, 2020

The staff-members have received your unban-request, iDankCai.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: ubr - MrMarsh - Feb 3, 2020

Dear Cicero,
there were several issues with this theft.

Besides the fact that i doubt a "genocidal warlord" would participate in something as petty as car theft (though if it only would have been that id would have left you with some informal advice), or your lack of a base (which you only purchased after you got the car) the most important issue is that you immediatly logged off after stealing the car.

at 16:07 you messaged Huge "./pm huge haha u got no car fg"
at 16:08 you disconnected

there was no further log reading or ic action between those two events. Thus it is pretty clear that you stole the car in an effort to meerly tease huge rather then in a genuine effort to roleplay it. The fact that you had to purchase a base whilst on the run only underlines the impromtu/ill prepared nature of this move.

Thus i will not lift or alter the ban as i am quite confident that with 555h of playtime you should and most likely do know better.

I appreciate your concern nevertheless and wish you a good afternoon.

with kind regards,