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UBR - Cicero - Nov 2, 2019

Your Name:
Ban ID:
Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. And tag their forum account. (@administratorsname)
Ban Reason:
Misleading staff.
Why should you be unbanned?:
I would like to appeal my ban because I regret what I have done, at the time of the ban I did not see what I did was wrong, however I see that missing out the details did cause inconvenience to the staff, the reason why I missed out details is because I found it hard to say things that made me look bad, I hate pointing out my mistakes and where I go wrong, that's why I only blamed the other people involved. 
I am aware I have an extensive history of breaking rules, I can't hide that and I'm not sure how I can justify that other then my anger getting the better of me, hence why my first few bans where of me just leaving the situation and quite a few punishments are for disrespect. The brief time I was allowed back into Limelight I feel like I was able to control myself more, I was able to not get angry in situations that before I would of, I hate that I fixed one problem to only ruin myself again with a new one, I feel like me admitting here about my problems is a foundation to solve this problem of not admitting my faults. I also feel like bordem was to play for my mingery, as when I played the server was a bit quiet, but I have noticed there are more people playing now and I feel like I am missing out playing with the community.
I do feel if I was allowed back in I could fit in to the community and avoid punishments so I ask you to please consider letting me in.

- Limelight Gaming - Nov 2, 2019

The staff-members have received your unban-request, iDankCai.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: UBR - Night - Nov 10, 2019

Hi Cai.

As your probation wasn't automatically removed, it would be considered an edge case thus subject to a team vote to decide whether you're unbanned or not, which was raised by Pilot on the 8th. Apologies that you weren't notified of this, I appreciate your patience.

A concern that was raised in this thread was regarding your attitude, and I've been asked by members of staff to ask you whether if you were unbanned, whether your attitude would return to how it once was or whether you'd make a consistent effort to try and be a bit more positive.

RE: UBR - Cicero - Nov 10, 2019

May I ask what is considered as my attitude problem, could you say give an example so I know what you mean?

RE: UBR - Night - Nov 10, 2019

Speaking to one of the staff members who raised this question, it was in regards to your attitude towards the rules, disrespect towards players/staff, but as for situations they've not provided me with one.

RE: UBR - Cicero - Nov 11, 2019

When I returned back to limelight I feel like I 'attitude' had improved, I don't think I was being rude or toxic to people. However before then when I hadn't been permed I was toxic I admitted that in my first perm UBR and I explained to why that was and how I have sorted it, and when I was allowed back in, correct me if I am wrong, I wasn't being toxic or disrespecting people.
A lot has changed IRL, I believe I have matured as a person, when I was toxic and disrespectful I was still in school, I was immature, I have since left now, since then I have been doing courses with the forces before my basic training starts in a few months and theses courses from the forces I believe have matured me as I person. If you asked me the same question a 6 months ago I would call you stupid for thinking that and not agree with anything you said because of how immature I was.

RE: UBR - PilotC - Nov 17, 2019


My apologies for the delay on getting this appeal completed as we were awaiting votes from our colleagues on the matter. We've ultimately decided to provide you a opportunity to return to the server and have your permanent ban terminated. I wish you the best on the server and hope you take this opportunity to change your overall time on the server for the better.

- PilotC (Christopher)