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Amy Fumero's blacklist appeals - Printable Version

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Amy Fumero's blacklist appeals - Ramen H. - Sep 30, 2019

[b]Your Name:[/b] Amy Fumero

[b]Issued by:[/b] Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag.
[L²] Decay
[b]Blacklist ID:[/b]  78814

[b]Server:[/b] City rp 2

[b]Why should you be unblacklisted?:[/b] what i did was bad but the cop tried to remove me from my car when i was spamming my sirens so i ran him over in my safty witch i dont see why i sould be blacklisted from driving cars

[b]Evidence:[/b] ask decay

- Limelight Gaming - Sep 30, 2019

The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, Ramen H..

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Amy Fumero's blacklist appeals - Decay - Sep 30, 2019

Hello, @Ramen H.‍ 

The reason why I took your vehicle access is because of: 5.1 - Do not run people over on purpose (CDM), and always try to brake/avoid people on the roads.

You're never allowed to use your vehicle as a weapon no matter what the situation might be. 

It's a 3 hours blacklist, which isnt that long. At the time of me giving it you werent taking the situation seriously at all. As pointed out by yourself, you knew you did wrong.

The blacklist will remain as is, Thank you.