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Free Dupes ! - Printable Version

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Free Dupes ! - MrMarsh - Sep 10, 2019

Free Dupes !

Preach it ! Ever since we changed the map it took most of us some time to rebuild our community passive rp infra-structure. But even now where most dupes and businesses moved to Evo i think we could do more. Ive seen some remarkable businesses, houses and awsome constructions but there are times where you may lack the inspiration, time or interest and just want to start a neat rp without putting litterarly dozens of hours into a single dupe. Therefore im glad to announce that similar to my previous Free Dupe Distributions I will finally release the first set of public dupes for Evo City - Enjoy !

Most of the dupes I will be releasing via this programm are of a commercial or residential nature. This will primarly focus on Shops (specificly for all our merchant roles), recreational establishments, probably amusement rides, flats and house decorations but may also include Government facilities at some point.
Please be sure to also check out the "USFS Public Folder" or the "Boating System" Folder for certain nature based distributions.

How do i get the dupe?
To obtain those dupes all you will have to do is to open your prop/tool menu (hold Q) and then select the advanced duplicator tool (listed amongst the construction tools on the left side of your screen). Now doubleklick on the "public folder" listing that is at the very top of your Advanced Duplicator listings-window and then select whatever public subfolder you need. This usually be the "Free Dupes From Marsh" Folder but if you are interested in the boating system or any of the USFS´s free dupes you will have to open those specific subfolders. Then just select the dupe your want and place it down

*please note that you need to be in the nearby area of your dupe when placing it. Also be adviced to check this very post for any extra information (like manuals on how to use and place the dupe) It is possible that the public subfolder will be replaced or renamed in the nearer future in anticipation of colaborative projects 

The Dupes

Commercial Buildings (Shops & Facilities)

Top Street Bowling
Location: Top Street
Props:      100
Notes:      see manual
Creator:   [L²] Marsh

[Image: BZSbHQ3.jpg]

This cosy little establishment has already become a well liked retreat for local residents. With 2 Fully functional alleys Top Street Bowling may seem like a small establishment but make no misstake. Its the jewel of Top Street. Our comfy booths, our great service and our state of the art machinery turn a visit to Top Street into a family vacation.

Please make sure to paste the first half with "no constraints and frozen". The second half (the actuall bowling mechanism needs to be put in seperately. To do this please select the dupe and paste it in with "no constrains" box unticked as this parts functionality depends on winches and certain settings that will otherwise be lost. Each Bowling Ball is differently weighted (red=50, green=40, blue=30) There is one of each for either alley (they are frozen when pasted in). Be sure to read to "instructions" that are placed on the desk for information on the pinsettert/reset.

Pool Table
Location:    Mobile
Props:        54 total (10 balls - 44p table)
Creator       [L²] Marsh

[Image: S4BJhiS.jpg]

This stury premium pool table is a great addition to your bar, clubhouse or private basement. Pick up your cue, focus and forget about all your worries for a moment. Wether you want to relax or need something to keep your customers busy, you cant go wrong with a pooltable.

Place the Pooltable down first, then the poolballs and finally the white ball. In this order you can simply press "Z" to remove and replace the white one if it has been put in. Make sure that you DO NOT TICK THE "paste w/o constrains" box when placing the dupe.
the game is played with an ASP Baton or a Blackjack (both meele weapons)

The rules for Pool are accesible on the internet (to keep the gameplay smoth and a little shorter we only have 9 instead of 15 balls)

Downtown Diner
Location: Downtown road (near little village)
Props: 100
Notes: none
Creator: [L²] Marsh

[Image: YQaVKHd.jpg]

This marvolous yet slightly shabby piece of 60s/70s architecture has become a place to rest, relax and refuel for us hard working citizens. Wether you spend the day on the road, in a pit or even in a cubicle when its time to go and your heading down DTM this is the 1 stop you need to take. Come in, place your order and enjoy !

Food Truck
Location: mobile/anywhere you want
Props: 30/40
Notes: -
[b]Creator: [/b][L²] Marsh

[Image: lShhcWs.jpg]

This rust bucket has been used and abused throughout years now. Its compact, its mobile and its just awfully convenient. Wether you need some catering for your party or public event, or wether you are looking for a cheap way to sell your food to hungry citizens. This is the way to do it!

RE: Free Dupes ! - MrMarsh - Sep 10, 2019

How do i use the Public Folder?
How do i use your dupes?

[Image: zm7LKfO.png]

Join The "Free Dupes" Program !

Since there have already been requests for certain buildings to be added as well as a request to contribute to the project i invite anyone that wants to participate to create their own public subfolder:

Mine is "free dupes from marsh"
to contribute to the porject just make your own "free dupes from____" folder.
Then just sent me a picture of your dupe, information on its location and its propcount (if needed a manual), and a short description text and ill add it to this post with all the relevant info

This will allow for an easy and fast way for you to submit your dupes and have them published here whilst still getting credit and beeing in control of your own subfolder

If a dupe is too mediocre or otherwise unfitting it wont nescessarily be featured (i wont add a article about a 5 legged pizza slize that shoots laserbeams or sth)

RE: Free Dupes ! - Decay - Sep 10, 2019

You've always impressed me with your builds, even more so when you put them in the public folder for the whole server to use! you good man Marsh

RE: Free Dupes ! - Ollie - Sep 10, 2019

Will promote some good passive RPs for the players that struggle to build

RE: Free Dupes ! - MrMarsh - Sep 10, 2019

(Sep 10, 2019, 05:05 PM)Ollie Wrote: Will promote some good passive RPs for the players that struggle to build

Thats the idea. But it also aims at promoting the overall variety and availability of rps. Stuff like the bowling alley was really hard to build and even with the smaller things it could add some spice to the overall scenery. Even if you are a good builder you still only have so and somany dupes to play around with. This should increase that number just a little and could be a fun community project

RE: Free Dupes ! - Riggs - Sep 10, 2019

looks good, hope to see more amazing builds. keep up the good work!

RE: Free Dupes ! - MrMarsh - Jan 31, 2020

*bump* since people asked about the pooltable - well its now included in the free dupes program.
I also added a tutorial for those who struggle with the public folder.

RE: Free Dupes ! - Dutch - Feb 1, 2020

I'm a simple dutchman what can i say? I see ''free'' i click.

RE: Free Dupes ! - Wesley Lawrence - Feb 2, 2020

(Jan 31, 2020, 06:54 PM)MrMarsh Wrote: *bump* since people asked about the pooltable - well its now included in the free dupes program.
I also added a tutorial for those who struggle with the public folder.

Easily some of the best dupes that I have seen. This is what should encourage people to do passive roleplay more often. Look at the working bowling alley, or the pool table. Awesome.