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PR -> TRIKILL - Printable Version

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PR -> TRIKILL - Ollie - Aug 8, 2019

Reported Players: TRIKILL (STEAM_0:0:174600816)
Server: EU Live
Time: 2019-Aug-08 01:00
Summary: Invalid reason to raid-

I had come back from my lunch break to see in chat that a police officer had entered past my security gate of my home, As I am entitled to protect my private property I did so by killing the police officer. The issue I had was that he had a warrant on my house because it looked suspicious because of my gate, so he broke into my property (through the gate) and was knocking on my door for a 'home inspection'.
Evidence: ---Screenshot didn't work so here is copy and paste from console---
Kevin Hooks: Hello Sir
Kevin Hooks: Its the Police, for inspection
Kevin Hooks: Sr.Ollie
(Yell) Ollie Harrison: WHAT
Kevin Hooks: I need to see your apartament
Kevin Hooks: Police Inspection
(<3) (OOC) Ollie: K Police oficer you dont enter my property as a police officer and ask to
see inside
(->[]) (Join) Player Tom (STEAM_0:1:85798163) has joined the game.
[HTML] Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
[HTML] Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
You received $200 salary.
(OOC) TRIKILL: So I need to be outside and ask to see inside right?, But one thing, Iam
Police Chief, and I have a warrant !!!
(<3) (OOC) Ollie: Why do you have a warrant
Prop session saved, 14 props found!
The light is hot - you can't touch it for long.
(<3) (OOC) Ollie: Why do you have a warrant
[HTML] Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
[HTML] Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
(<3) (OOC) [L²:RP] Aryen: You need a valid reason to search someone
(<3) (OOC) Ollie: ^
(->[]) (Join) Player Siler (STEAM_0:0:190504354) has joined the game.
(PM) [L²:RP] Aryen: Want help
(<3) (OOC) Ollie: So you entered past my gate (which is my prooperty) so I was entitled
to protect my proerty so I killed you
(OOC) TRIKILL: In roleplay your property appear a bit strange noo??, All this protection
just for protect an apartament, Appear you have a ilegal items inside !!!
(PM) To [L²:RP] Aryen: Hes got NLR
(PM) [L²:RP] Aryen: Oh you killed him
(<3) (OOC) Ollie: Sir have you never seen a house with an eletric gate?
This plant is receiving light, but needs more time.
(<3) (OOC) Ollie: I have a right to build on my property
(OOC) TRIKILL: One thing, You buy the two doors??
(<3) (OOC) Ollie: You however cant come in my building because it looks 'suspicious' and
yes i did buy both doors
(<3) (OOC) [L²:RP] Aryen: His house does not violate any of the current default laws,
meaning you cannot search him
(<3) (OOC) Ollie: What is suspicious about protecting my home from raiders?
You received $200 salary.
(<3) (OOC) Ollie: And what did your warrant say?
(OOC) TRIKILL: No for real I can, When Iam the chief of Police, I cant enter in your
apartament and this is my error
(<3) (OOC) [L²:RP] Aryen: It has nothing against the laws
(<3) (OOC) [L²:RP] Aryen: You can only raid if you have proof there's contraband inside

RE: PR -> TRIKILL - Night - Aug 8, 2019

Do you have any other evidence other than a copy and paste from console? There's no timestamps or anything, and something like this is quite hard to prove without actual video evidence.

RE: PR -> TRIKILL - Night - Aug 9, 2019

I'll take that as a no. If you have further evidence, please make a new PR.
