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CityRP road names - Printable Version

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road names - Temar - Apr 9, 2019

Explain your suggestion, in detail:
Rename road names to shorter sections, can be any sub name, north south whatever sounds good and hints are location
or new name if suited

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:
Road names are too long, often calls that happen on road, are hard to identify exactly were, and you can easy turn wrong way and drive away from area needed
highways are really long but less complex but still long
city roads are shorter but still long and since in city some road weave through the city making hard to know locations

RE: road names - Montyfatcat - Apr 9, 2019

Maybe define some areas like Main St? Other than that most of it is pretty realistic and clear. For xample I live near the A515, irl PCs have an issue there too.

RE: road names - Cole - Apr 9, 2019

Hm, I think we could've done it a little bit better when we set all of the areas up but I think we'd had enough by then, after doing another two maps kek. +support should change some of the longer roads to have N/E/S/W on them to make it easier to call for emergency services and whatnot.

RE: road names - Lewwings - Apr 10, 2019

+Support for the whole North, East, South, West idea, would help a fair bit.

RE: road names - Limelight Gaming - Apr 14, 2019

Pushing for Staff Review.


road names - Doctor Internet - Apr 24, 2019


RE: road names - Temar - Apr 26, 2019

Most long roads have now been slightly renamed to include N/E/S/W as best as i could but should make it easier