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Un-BL Appeal - Printable Version

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Un-BL Appeal - Sammyfc - Mar 29, 2019

Your Name: SammyFc

Issued by: [L²]Night

Blacklist ID: 77976

Server: CityRp2 main server

Why should you be unblacklisted?: I was blacklisted from weapons for something that was nothing to do with weapons. I don't understand why this blacklist was put into place, I have done nothing wrong with weapons.

Evidence: I did nothing wrong with weapons therefore not understanding this BL.

- Limelight Gaming - Mar 29, 2019

The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, Sammyfc.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Un-BL Appeal - Night - Mar 30, 2019

The blacklist was applied seeing how it was an Aggressive style RP, see it as a tradeoff as to why your ban is 2 days long.

RE: Un-BL Appeal - Sammyfc - Mar 30, 2019

Ok then. Doesn't really make sense to me but I am sure I am being stupid and not understanding

RE: Un-BL Appeal - Night - Mar 30, 2019


The blacklists were applied as a way to dampen down the ban length. Without them, the suspension would have been longer. On top of this, seeing how the violation was related to aggressive RP, weapons is involved naturally thus your access to them was taken.