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UBR: John Jong - Printable Version

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UBR: John Jong - Druggo - Feb 7, 2019


Your Name:  John Jong

Ban ID: 7655, 8007, 8136, 8140, 8142

Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. And tag their forum account. (@administratorsname) Console/ @Night / @Doctor Internet

Server: Main

Ban Reason:

7655 - General Mingery: Steal Car as Fire, Abuse of Tools, RDM of Injured Bodies. Large Record. Take a break.

8007, 8136, 8140, 8142 - Double Accounting

Why should you be unbanned?:
After my last UBR, I have reflected back on the times at LL and have missed playing on the server with friends! I am appalled at my actions which I would never repeat again if I was to return to LL. I acted dumb and foolish throughout my time at LL and regret doing it to this day! I understand what I did was wrong and inappropriate, as mentioned in my previous UBR I miss the community and I would love the check out the new features on LL. Is there any chance you could unban my forum account as it will be easier to respond on the UBR, I will understand if the answer is no.

Thank you for reading my UBR

Many Thanks,
John Jong

- Limelight Gaming - Feb 7, 2019

The staff-members have received your unban-request, Druggo.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: UBR: John Jong - Night - Feb 7, 2019

No, your forum account suspension will not be lifted, not even for the purposes of appeal. You can nominate a spokesperson as you have done to create this appeal and the last. Your suspensions from all services was approved by HR as you shown so little regard to our rules. I'll be asking HR to comment, but for now we'll handle my main concern.

As addressed in your last UBR, you overstepped the line big time. You didn't acknowledge this last time you appealed, and nor are you doing now. For security reasons I'm unable to state what happened publicly though so I suggest you refer to the old DM's you have from me on Discord which should jog your memory in the unlikely event you've forgotten what you did. It's extremely clear that it was you, and you wouldn't admit that at the time nor in your previous appeal, or now.

RE: UBR: John Jong - SpaghettiFTW - Feb 7, 2019

Posting on behalf of John Jong

Hello @Night, thanks for your fast response! The thing I believe you are mentioning has nothing to do with the LL services so is irrelevant to the situation at hand, just because you may hold a grudge against me outside of LL services does not mean you can bring it into LL. I admit that was me (was dumb of me I agree) now I am sorry for the mistake I made and hope we can move on. I know I overstepped the line and I am dearly sorry for troubles caused because of my actions, I will never attempt to DA again on LL as its a dumb idea because I will just get more bans which I dont want, it is annoying not being able to speak to and play with friends on LL and I wish to return to LL as a new me and prove to everyone that I am respectable and a likeable person.

Many Thanks,

RE: UBR: John Jong - Night - Feb 7, 2019

Again I can't get to the specifics, but due to the platform you discussed it with the others on and how you went about did it, that's how Limelight is involved. Not for any other reason aside from that.

I'm glad that you've finally admitted to it, but it's a shame this wasn't done sooner.

I'll wait on HR to respond.

RE: UBR: John Jong - Doctor Internet - Feb 8, 2019

As per your last appeal.

(Dec 31, 2018, 01:01 PM)Doctor Internet Wrote: My ban will be reduced to 6 months, as initially intended. However, any more double accounting will lead to it being reinstated as a permanent ban.

It will not be reduced further.
Failure to abide by Appeal Rules. However, I understand the confusion as your appeal was moved to approved, not denied, so I won't be resetting the timer.

Your next appeal is allowed on the 28th of March (3 months after the prior appeal denial, on the 28th of December.).