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Rushi rep recommendation - Printable Version

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Rushi rep recommendation - Ekron - Jan 27, 2019

Name of Player: Rushi

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53357681

Server: Rockford CityRP

Hours on the Server: 337

Current REP Count: 5

Time: 6-7pm

Summary of the roleplay: I ran a small roadside Cafe called The Slippy Spoon as a fairly aggressive and unpleasant person. The roadside cafe is awful.
Rushi messaged me and asked if he was okay to come by as a health inspector without ruining my RP (hence a little bit of awareness was on my side so I could prepare better) , which I agreed to. He came to the property, Inspected it using good /me / it and note taking and was scared off by me with a bottle in the end.
He returned after visiting the lab and attempted to close me down. I resisted and the police got involved. Eventually I was arrested the cafe shut down
Rushi did an excellent job in general of being a health inspector. I really enjoyed what he had done and was looking forward to his return after he went to his lab to see what he came up with. He also delt with Brian (the charter I was playing) Very well all things considered and did give many chances before finally calling the police.

Also props to the police officer and the two gentlemen who came to aid. You three were fantastic in a difficult situation and I'm kinda sad i didn't take advantage of the investment offer (Adulting happened)

(5.08 is my fave part personally)

Screenshots or Videos of the roleplay: First 11 minutes are the focus of the inspection Rp. The second half is the serious hostilities and arrest.

RE: Rushi rep recommendation - Night - Jan 27, 2019

Approved, had a good laugh at that. Well played!