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LocalCopperThief's Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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LocalCopperThief's Ban Appeal - Kris ◈ - Jan 22, 2019

Your Name: LocalCopperThief

Ban ID: Sorry I do not know.

Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. And tag their forum account. (@administratorsname) I don't know....

Server: Rockford

Ban Reason: I believe it was for FearRP, this was a while ago so I do not remember.

Why should you be unbanned?: I believe I have changed in a way to the point where I could come back and well try again, if someone would accept this I would do my bloody best to break 0 of the rules.


- Limelight Gaming - Jan 22, 2019

The staff-members have received your unban-request, Abdominal Pains.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: LocalCopperThief's Ban Appeal - Kris ◈ - Jan 22, 2019

Actually I think it was PilotC who was the person who banned me.

RE: LocalCopperThief's Ban Appeal - Kris ◈ - Jan 22, 2019

Ah! the reason was for: FearRP violation/failRP, refusing to comply with officers while under gunpoint / probation enforcement (perma)

Mod was [font=Roboto, sans-serif]@[b][L²:M] Toxic[/b][/font]

[font=Roboto, sans-serif] The ID was [font=Roboto, sans-serif][b]:7885[/font][/b][/font]

RE: LocalCopperThief's Ban Appeal - Night - Jan 26, 2019

Hi Copper.

Again this is extremely reminiscent of your last appeal, where you put very little effort into your appeal by literally only writing two sentences to explain why you should be unbanned except this time it's even less...

I'll discuss with Toxic, but currently I'm not too satisfied.

RE: LocalCopperThief's Ban Appeal - Toxic - Jan 26, 2019

You managed to acquire no less than 14 suspensions up to and including your permanent suspension, in just over two months. I fail to see how, given every opportunity in that time frame - as well as your probation - that you'll be able to go on the server and be able to conform to our rules and expectations.

RE: LocalCopperThief's Ban Appeal - Toxic - Jan 27, 2019

I've spoken to Nightmare regarding your suspension and we've come to a similar conclusion.

You don't care to come back to this community, given your exceptional level of rule infractions in such a short time period. You made an unban request the previous attempt that had all of two sentences put into it. This time you've put even less effort towards your appeal to get yourself unbanned. All that this tells me is that you don't appreciate this community enough to put any sort of honest effort into coming back and righting your past mistakes. The biggest step towards showing the administration team and the community as a whole that you've improved as a person and as a member of the community is reflected through your suspension appeal. We don't see that here, and we are not going to be removing your permanent suspension as of this time. Though you're welcome to reapply at a later date, I highly suggest you consider what I've said here the next time you appeal your suspension. If you choose to appeal your suspension.

RE: LocalCopperThief's Ban Appeal - Night - Jan 27, 2019

Toxic said it perfectly.

Appeal denied, hopefully you'll take this opportunity to make a better shot at appealing next time.