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Saberwolf Blacklist Appeal - Printable Version

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Saberwolf Blacklist Appeal - SaberWolf999 - Dec 26, 2018

Your Name: SaberWolf999

Issued by: [font=Roboto, sans-serif][L²:M] Welker

Misuse of PTE, floating text signs, already warned however refused to comply.
2018-12-26 17:20:45
1 hour and 46 minutes
[L²:M] Welker

[font=Roboto, sans-serif]77258

Misuse of PTE, floating text signs, already warned however refused to comply.
2018-12-26 17:20:45
1 hour and 46 minutes
[b][L²:M] Welker

[font=Roboto, sans-serif][font=Roboto, sans-serif]77257
Misuse of PTE, floating text signs, already warned however refused to comply.
2018-12-26 17:20:45
1 hour and 46 minutes
[b][L²:M] Welker

Blacklist ID: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]77259 / [font=Roboto, sans-serif]77258 / [font=Roboto, sans-serif]77257[/font][/font]

Server: V2D Rockford

Why should you be unblacklisted?: 

the reason i believe i should be blacklisted and that this blacklist is unjust is because first and foremost as it says in the blacklist i "failed to comply" first of all this is false as i removed the sign from where it was originally and placed it in the road in front of my base i don't know how he expects me to stop a floating sign from floating in the first place i had no other props available to be able to apply anything to it because of the amount of props consumed by my base,[/font]

secondly i would also like to point out the sign was only there because one of your other moderators decided to abuse his pysgun and remove my elevator gates after they finished raiding my base as swat, of which was very unnecessary as there was 3 sets of keypads (1 set outside, 2 sets inside) of which they didn't even bother to look for even though there was one literally to their left. which brings me on to the fact why the sign was there in the first place as it was explaining the location of said keypads, however before this sign was put down there were multiple @ calls made and PM's stating the fact that there were in-fact there however i got nothing back and i made the sign.

Thanks, if there is any questions let me know.




- Limelight Gaming - Dec 26, 2018

The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, SaberWolf999.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Saberwolf Blacklist Appeal - Welker - Dec 26, 2018

Hi Saberwolf,
As you can see from the screenshot provided your sign had absolutely no supporting structure or background and is in violation of PTE rule 6.3
Quote:6.3 - Do not build traps, unrealistically supported constructions (like floating cameras), or use your tools during combat. Do not use your physgun as a lasepointer. Do not spam props. If your car is stuck, you may proppush it gently with a prop until it gets unstuck. You may use props to climb over walls, but only if you actually roleplayed getting them, carrying them over to the wall, and setting them down in a realistic manner to be climbed – do not spawn them on the spot. 
Firstly I warned you and gave you plenty of time to fix this however you only lowered it slightly from its original position and made no efforts to make further efforts to correcting it. I cannot speak for your accusations of abuse from another member of staff as I did not see this however I do highly recommend you make a staff report if you feel a violation has occurred. 

I will leave this to be concluded by @Bambo

RE: Saberwolf Blacklist Appeal - Bambo - Dec 26, 2018

With the above post, and the appeal, the blacklist is valid.

Thank you for your appeal however, this will be denied as you were given enough time to fix it yet, didn't.
