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CityRP Bug - Printable Version

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Bug - zharkan16 - Dec 9, 2018

ID: 5c0c5fb5e16bb04df9ae2394

Server [Rockford/Build/Event]:  Rockford
Map (if not default):  default?
Description: [font=Roboto, sans-serif,]CShaderAPIDX8::BlitTextureBits: couldn't lock texture rect or use UpdateSurface
CShaderAPIDX8::BlitTextureBits: couldn't lock texture rect or use UpdateSurface
CShaderAPIDX8::BlitTextureBits: couldn't lock texture rect or use UpdateSurface
CShaderAPIDX8::BlitTextureBits: couldn't lock texture rect or use UpdateSurface
CShaderAPIDX8::BlitTextureBits: couldn't lock texture rect or use UpdateSurface
CShaderAPIDX8::BlitTextureBits: couldn't lock texture rect or use UpdateSurface
CShaderAPIDX8::BlitTextureBits: couldn't lock texture rect or use UpdateSurface


CShaderAPIDX8::BlitTextureBits: couldn't lock texture rect or use UpdateSurface
[HTML] :1: Uncaught ReferenceError: LLHUD is not defined
[HTML] :1: Uncaught ReferenceError: LLHUD is not defined
[HTML] :1: Uncaught ReferenceError: LLHUD is not defined
[HTML] :1: Uncaught ReferenceError: LLHUD is not defined


-Screen turns white and u cant see anything

Bug observed since: recently this happened to me twice now and both times are with the new HUD it was yesterday and today
Images/Screenshots: closed the game but basically white screen.. i can see when i press escp and when i die but when i respawn cant see still white
Steps to Reproduce: not even sure it happens randomly..

- Limelight Gaming - Dec 9, 2018

Thank you for your bug-report, zharkan16!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.

RE: Bug - Doctor Internet - Feb 7, 2019

Is this still occuring?

RE: Bug - Limelight Gaming - Feb 7, 2019

Ticket Status Updated

Changed from New to 5c5c7772918a39398c223214