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unban reqest for patty - Printable Version

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unban reqest for patty - Browny93 - Dec 5, 2018

Your Name: Patty Mayo ( Use To Be Riggs,Gibbs )

Ban ID: 7940

Banned by: [L²] Doctor Internet


Ban Reason: "D/C to avoid RP, Exploiting Game Systems to avoid punishment. (Extended due to current ban)"

Why should you be unbanned?: First off let me say if it harmed anyone during this im sorry, Right I Was Sat Playing On LL On the punishment. 10-11-2018 I Was Sat Doing A RP Witch I Dont Remember What It Was, Something Happend In Game Caused My Game To Crash I Rejoined, Then I Happend Agen 2 Mins Into Me Joining, I Joined Agen, It Happend Yet Agen, And Agen So After Me Joining Back What The 5th Time I Was Banned At Exactly "20:34:58" GMT For The Up Top. I Didnot D/C Myself At All It Was My Game Constantly Crashing, I Have Fixed The Problem As Of Now And It Runs Fine.

Evidence: Nope
( Im Posting For Patty Mayo "@Riggs" )

- Limelight Gaming - Dec 5, 2018

The staff-members have received your unban-request, Leon brown.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: unban reqest for patty - Doctor Internet - Dec 5, 2018

Essentially, the issue was that it repeatedly happened, when things weren't going your way. It happened over multiple days, including in staff situations. That's why you were hit up with the ban you got.

RE: unban reqest for patty - Browny93 - Dec 5, 2018

i dont recall it happening the past days?. if it did it was no where close to as bad as that day. [font=Whitney,]and for what was makeing it crash i have 0 clue i had to unsub from all items i have subed to[/font]

RE: unban reqest for patty - Night - Dec 5, 2018

I helped dig into this case with Doc at the time, I believe and also extended your probation to general on a separate punishment.

This was a repeated case and had happened various times before, conveniently happening when you were either about to be or going to be arrested. The same with 4 other admins excluding myself, we all agreed that the timing was too coincidental and the ban was issued on the grounds that you were abusing game mechanics to force yourself into a crash state, producing a timeout message. Obviously, this isn't allowed, and you know far better which is why the punishment issued was quite long. I'm confused why you'd appeal this with not that long to go until expiry in comparison to the length issued in the first place.

RE: unban reqest for patty - Browny93 - Dec 5, 2018

The Reson I Appealed It Is Due To The Fact I Want To Be Able To Play Before Xmas, I Will Most likley Not Be On When I Get Unbaned At 9:30 PM Xmas Eve I Will Be Spending Time With Famly And Waching A Movie Probs. I Also Have Fixed The Issue With It Crashing Its Happend 2 Times From Then Wich Was When I Fucked Something Up On My End. And Your Right The Timeing Wasnot Able To Be Worse It Was Fucking Crazy Annoying When It Was Crashing 24/7. Im Sorry For Any Inconvinace

RE: unban reqest for patty - Doctor Internet - Dec 6, 2018

Essentially, we're concerned that essentially, every time an RP situation didn't go your way, you would crash. If we unban you now, how are we to know that isn't to happen again, if we were to assume you were acting in bad faith.

RE: unban reqest for patty - Browny93 - Dec 6, 2018

I,m Telling The Truth I Have Fixed The Issue So It Shouldn't Happen Agen (I Hope).

RE: unban reqest for patty - Doctor Internet - Dec 8, 2018

I am willing to lift your ban, on the condition that you accept a general probation.

RE: unban reqest for patty - Browny93 - Dec 8, 2018

Yes i am. Thankyou

RE: unban reqest for patty - Doctor Internet - Dec 8, 2018

Done by the wonderful Bambo.
Your probation lasts 6 months from now. Any further infractions may lead to a permanent suspension.
Merry Christmas