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unban request - Printable Version

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unban request - predator - Nov 15, 2018

b]Your Name:PREDATOR

[b]Ban ID:STEAM_0:0:15138032

[b]Banned by:NIGHT


[b]Ban Reason:killing a doctor and not replying
[b]Why should you be unbanned?:i should be unbanned because i didnt know how to write to you back because i came on after two years and i dont know how to massage back
and i killed the docotor because i muged him for 500 and the police came so i got scared i would get arrested so i shot him im sorry i dnt reply because i didnt know how to so i did it in normal massage if you could unban me that would be grate thankyou

[b]Evidence:i didnt know how write back im sorry :(

- Limelight Gaming - Nov 15, 2018

The staff-members have received your unban-request, predator.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: unban request - Night - Nov 15, 2018

Hi Predator.

I banned you because you had the job title of Citizen, and now you've just said that you killed him because you tried to mug him but the police came. You can't mug as a Citizen, this is something that's very clearly outlined in the rules. You've racked up 20 overall punishments in your time here, 6 of those are bans, 13 of those are blacklists and the remaining 1 is a warning.

Your record tells me you aren't here to play properly, thus the ban was issued.

Do you have anything further to add?

RE: unban request - Night - Nov 17, 2018

I'll let you have until midnight this Sunday to respond, otherwise, I'll be concluding this.

RE: unban request - Night - Nov 19, 2018
