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Beunkieboy Unban Request - Printable Version

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Beunkieboy Unban Request - beunkieboy - Oct 27, 2018

Your Name:  Beunkieboy

Ban ID: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]4656[/font]

Banned by: @[font=Roboto, sans-serif][L²:M] Rocket[/font]

Server:  V2b (I think)

Ban Reason: [font=Roboto, sans-serif]DDOS, Dox Threats against staff.[/font]

Why should you be unbanned?: 

I was kinda suprised I was banned for this reason, as I don't remember usually doing this. But in the past I was a minge on DarkRP servers and I probably ran into Limelight and got myself banned in no time. I am not as immature as I was a few years back and I am now actively playing on other CityRP servers, enjoying PassiveRP. 

I would love to get a second chance so I can start playing on Limelight, which I have heard a lot of good things about. 

I do apologize for the Dox/DDOS threats I've made in the past. 

Thank you.

- Limelight Gaming - Oct 27, 2018

The staff-members have received your unban-request, beunkieboy.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Beunkieboy Unban Request - Raptor - Oct 29, 2018

DDOS and Dox threats are a serious thing, and it is very hard to determin wither or not you are serious about it and are capble of doing those things or not, so for our safety and the player's, we ban people for making these kinds of threats.

Like I said, its very hard to know wither you were serious about it or not, so why should you be unbanned now for something you've said to us a long time ago that could've potentionally harmed people?

RE: Beunkieboy Unban Request - beunkieboy - Oct 29, 2018

I can only ask you to trust me, in the meantime I've built up over a 1000hrs on different RP servers, with few bans or blacklists.  

I have no intention of actually doing a DDOS attack or Doxing any staff members. 

I'm hoping for forgiveness as it was a long time ago. I never intended any harm.

RE: Beunkieboy Unban Request - Raptor - Oct 30, 2018
