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Unban Request: Amy Zharkan - Printable Version

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Unban Request: Amy Zharkan - zharkan16 - Oct 22, 2018

[b]Your Name:Amy Zharkan

[b]Ban ID: 6136

[b]Banned by:
[L²] Enzyme

[b]Server: CityRP

[b]Ban Reason: Insulting and threatening staff-members.

[b]Why should you be unbanned?: Ok well I am sure the staff remember the story but basically I was mugged by a cop so I demanded an ex-staff member to come and he refused so I got mad cause a cop was literally mugging me under gun point so I was like okay I know I have anger issues so let's try to handle this and just pay the cop and move on so I did then he arrests me after I pay him for no reason and I lost it and just raged so I got arrested then I started demanding staff to come to me and all and I got banned for that "Proceeding to demand to be unbanned, and insulting a staff member in steam chat. (Extended due to current ban)" so I was still mad about the whole situation because I felt like I was not getting what I deserved and I told a staff member through steam that I will kill him when I get unbanned and that's when the threat ban came into place as well as disrespect but ya I apologized and all but they never got back to me but I just want to play again I really miss limelight and I miss playing on there... I just want a chance to prove that I have changed and honestly I just miss limelight.. it was the only server I ever loved infact I even had a dealership RP and I even made a WEBSITE for it =/

[b]Evidence: None I suppose.

- Limelight Gaming - Oct 22, 2018

The staff-members have received your unban-request, zharkan16.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Unban Request: Amy Zharkan - zharkan16 - Oct 23, 2018

@Night It said you replied to my thread but ya I've been refreshing every now and then but I don't see it so I am not sure if that's a bug, sorry for the tag

RE: Unban Request: Amy Zharkan - Night - Oct 23, 2018

Hidden posts. It's being discussed.

RE: Unban Request: Amy Zharkan - Enzyme - Oct 24, 2018

Alright, Zharkan. 

It's been a year now, so I'm willing to give you a new chance. I'm putting you on probation for three months. You need to control your temper, and if you fail to do so then I've tasked the staff-team with putting you back on a permanent ban. This means that you'll get a permanent ban again if you're aggressive and insult/ threatens a staff member or a player. 

Don't let me down, Zharkan. Prove to me that you've changed.
Also, make sure you've read and updated yourself on our rules.

User put on a three-month probation.