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Unban request: mert_albayrak7 - Printable Version

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Unban request: mert_albayrak7 - mert_albayrak7 - Oct 9, 2018

[b]Ban ID:[/b] 7934

[b]Banned by:[/b] [L²:M] roxas

[b]Server:[/b] CITYRP2

[b]Ban Reason:[/b] 13.3 - Multiple priors of the same type. CDM x3 - You don't seem to understand what you did wrong. Even after telling you. Try reading the rules again.

[b]Why should you be unbanned?:[/b] firstly, as i said to this moderator, i didn't cdm and the police officer jumped on to road when i was 2 metres away driving full speed i tried to brake however i didn't help and i ended up killing them, they shouldn't be on the road anyways because i don't know what you expect to be honest + i told the moderator to check the recording which he refused and he said "i was there". I got banned for something i didn't do and i think i shouldn't be getting banned at all.


- Limelight Gaming - Oct 9, 2018

The staff-members have received your unban-request, mert_albayrak7.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Unban request: mert_albayrak7 - roxas - Oct 10, 2018

Hello @mert_albayrak7,

as I already told you in game multiple times, I've witnessed the whole situation and I've also looked into the logs before I took both you and @Oneshott into a sit.

There were multiple people on the road. I reversed my van at the town hall and accidentally hit someone on the sidewalk. I got out of the van, called an EMS and then saw you approach in a Ford Police Interceptor Utility (which was stolen, as you mentioned stealing it in the sit. Even tho your current job slot was Corleone Member and your job title was set to "Car Thief"). 

You were going around my van kinda slowly at first but then - even tho there were multiple people on the road - you decided to increase your speed and to run them over. You didn't make an attempt to stop. At this point you've already been shot down by 0neshot and made an RDM report afterwards.

In the sit you didn't seem to understand your wrongdoing. Or you just didn't want to understand it. Both - 0neshot and myself - have told you what you did wrong and after checking your priors I saw that randomly stealing cars with false jobs and CDMing wasn't your first offence. 

You recieved 2 recent blacklists for the same kind of rule breakage from 2 different staff members within 8 hours of playtime. Which showed me that you were well aware of what you were doing at the time and that you didn't seem to learn from these blacklists.

This and your behaviour in the sit lead me to the decision of issueing a 4-day-suspension. 

From my point of view I don't see why this ban should be lifted or was unjustified in any way.

RE: Unban request: mert_albayrak7 - Night - Oct 10, 2018


After log checking statements and seeing Roxas' comment above, it's obvious that an offence was commited and you were punished accordingly for it. I don't see a need to reduce, remove or lift the suspension at this time.

[L²] Night
Server Administrator & Teacher Liaison