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ncaa|Seawolf - Printable Version

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ncaa|Seawolf - Montyfatcat - Oct 5, 2018

Name: ncaa|Seawolf

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:5084257

Server: Rockford v2b

Hours on the server: 265

Current REP count: 1 as of postage

Time: 20:01 by the time it ended in GMT

Summary: Really intricate detective RP, made a cork board of all of my murders, named the case file appropriately, went to every murder scene and checked all bodies for similarities, even though they were the only on who was actually investigating I kept getting PMs about "Is the killer on INTERPOL?" "Is there any DNA?" and so on and so forth. They also did a really good interview which is shown in the video.

Evidence: for interview
couldn't get any evidence of the PMs but logs might show it, really made do with what I gave them considering I only used one effect.

RE: ncaa|Seawolf - Montyfatcat - Oct 5, 2018

Updated to include SteamID @Doctor Internet , oops

RE: ncaa|Seawolf - Taylor - Oct 6, 2018

Given I’ve only seen him breaking rules, it’s nice to know he has changed and begun to do such quality roleplays.


RE: ncaa|Seawolf - Night - Dec 19, 2018


Sorry for it being late!