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PR -> Grandz - Printable Version

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PR -> Grandz - aj30603 - Aug 8, 2018

Reported Players: Grandz (STEAM_0:1:94850024)  (@Grandz)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Aug-07 22:20
Summary: I was arresting him and he disconnected, when he rejoined we put in OOC we can continue with the arrest or I will PR him. He then Proppushes me so i kill him so I don't get killed by his props. Later I ask him in OOC about the situation, he then tells me to "fuck off".

Evidence: OOC disrespect -
He says how i was arresting him for no reason which is false. I saw him tagging (vandalising) buildings on numerous occasions which is also rope spam. He says how he deleted the ropes therefore I cannot arrest him, of which i countered him saying that he still broke a law and i saw that with my own eyes, which then he says "I disconnected therefore it is a new life" which I am right in saying you proceed with the roleplay situation if he disconnects to avoid it.

D/C to avoid arrest and Prop push -

RE: PR -> Grandz - Bambo - Aug 8, 2018

Song - Weird.

PR - Definite rule breakages.

Result - He will receive 2 hour PTE blacklist, 3 day ban.

Message to be learned - Do not disconnect even if you believe the reason was wrong.

Thank you for your report.
