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PR -> JamesyBoyy97 - Printable Version

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PR -> JamesyBoyy97 - VIVZZ - Jul 30, 2018

Reported Players: JamesyBoyy97 (STEAM_0:0:19311489)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jul-30 15:49
Summary: I was just patrolling and minding my own business when I came across a Jaywalker. I then proceeded to get out my car (which I forgot to lock by mistake) and started walking towards the 3 Citizens on the Pavement, then the accused thought it'd be a good idea to steal my car so he stole it and CDMed me in the process which violates rules -

5.1 - Do not run people over on purpose (CDM), and always try to brake/avoid people on the roads.
13.2 - You may steal vehicles to sell them back to the owners or other parties, but only with valid roleplay reasons.

13.3 - Do not FailRP. Car thieves need chop-shops, and burglars need places to store their stolen goods. Proper background RP draws the line between crime and rule-breaking.  


RE: PR -> JamesyBoyy97 - Bambo - Jul 31, 2018

Player will receive a 5-hour vehicle blacklist for CDM - as well as invalid job and roleplay for actions.
