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UBR - Printable Version

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UBR - Riggs - Jul 23, 2018

Your Name: [S³] Martin Riggs

Ban ID: 7421

Banned by: @"Nightmare"  | [L²] Nightmare

Server:  Main

Ban Reason: "PRA (22074) - OOC Disrespect // many priors, and you definitely know better. Stop, and think before you speak please."

Why should you be unbanned?:  I Highly Regret What I Have Done And Wont Do It again, I Am Deeply Sorry to @Pufitee.

Evidence: Post Rply Of What Evdance???

- Limelight Gaming - Jul 23, 2018

The staff-members have received your unban-request, Riggs.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: UBR - Night - Jul 23, 2018

Hi Riggs.

I'll point you to the appeal rules in this case.

Quote:Do not post an unban request if:

- You know you broke the rules

This also isn't helped by the fact you went on a rant in the public discord, calling me inappropriate words after tagging me in the same message. As discussed, you need to learn to control your outbursts. They're no one else's responsibility but yours, and you need to keep them under control or this will inevitably happen again.

Length was also based on your experience & priors.

Neither your Discord or in-game ban will be lifted.
