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PR -> FrezH, HeeTiic - Printable Version

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PR -> FrezH, HeeTiic - SaberWolf999 - Jul 21, 2018

Reported Players: FrezH (STEAM_0:1:200096889) , HeeTiic (STEAM_0:1:161318271)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jul-21 00:36
Summary: Summary-FearRP- me and another officer was dealing with an active seen and two Ferrari's were driving off the one we pulled over had an active warrant for assault on a police officer so we pulled over suing a Code 5 technique i dealt with the passenger my colleague dealt with the driver as you can se by the video both were breaking fear RP the one i was dealing with more so that the other however the one that my colleague was dealing continued after this by hurling abuse at me and saying he was going to report us for mistreatment

i just wish i didn't reload my weapon for no reason :) otherwise i dare say i couldv took tim down

i apologise in advance for the quality of the videos as both was edited using windows as i have no editing software however they are still clear enough to see the incident, furthermore apologies in advance if you have headphone i got a bit shouty a little in so if your wearing headphones id consider turning them down yea just if you wear headphone turn volume down slightly i got quite a bit loud loud XD


RE: PR -> FrezH, HeeTiic - Bambo - Jul 23, 2018

The evidence shows mainly FrezH breaking FearRP, while HeeTiic following it. How did HeeTiic break fearrp?

RE: PR -> FrezH, HeeTiic - SaberWolf999 - Jul 23, 2018

you can clearly see in the background him not following orders it actually takes about 3 times before he actually listens

RE: PR -> FrezH, HeeTiic - Bambo - Jul 23, 2018

Although he might've been slow to listen, his FearRP breakage is minor compared to what FrezH did but I will still give him a permanent warning to remind him to listen to commands rather than delaying.

FrezH will recieve a 2 day ban and 4 hour weapons blacklist for FearRP
