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PR -> John Jong - Printable Version

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PR -> John Jong - H4MZ4 - Jul 17, 2018

Reported Players: John Jong (STEAM_0:1:14212289)  (@John Jong)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jul-17 00:21
Summary: With him roleplaying as an extermely corrupt SWAT/TITS which had no benefit to him at all with the way he attempts to arrest me as a Police Officer, I can't complain about it as a whole since I only saved the last minute, rather than the last 5 or so, but his way of useless corruption is very toxic.

Quote:11.3 – You may be corrupt, but only if it does not directly endanger the lives of officers or civilians. Corruption has limits and should benefit your character, it does not allow you to go around beating up citizens for no reason or making up completely random arrest warrants.

While attempting to detain me for no apparent reason, he tells me to face the wall, and if I moved then he'd open fire at me. So while I was cuffed, he walks away to the other side of the building, of course with him being highly corrupt I didn't want to get involved so I try walk away but he comes back and opens fire with a automatic gun and leaves me injured on the floor and a medic revives me and then the video linked begins. In my opinion this breaks endagering the lives of an officer when he is already detained (for no reason) but he decides to open fire for a ridiculous reason.

Secondaly, although I don't believe this is a rule break, he tries to give excuses which bends the rules, by claiming "you are *in cuffs* so you cannot walk away as it breaks FearRP" in order to get me to stay still. Though for that entire time as shown in the video, he has no weapon out, and the rules only state you are under FearRP if the armed person *SWITCHES* to handcuffs.

Thirdly, he clearly breaks 11.3's making up random arrests warrants, as I've explained before he comes in to handcuff and treat me like I'm under arrest out of no-where, therefore he sends a warrant request which contains: "HEAVILY FUCKING ARMED ATTEMPTED TO FLEE TRIED TO SHOOT OFFICERS KOS HIT AT CURRENT TIME".

"HEAVILY FUCKING ARMED" - I am a police officer so what can you expect?
"ATTEMPTED TO FLEE" - He comes to detain me while I was with another officer who was questioning me regarding nothing this warrant is about so he has no right to say I attempted to flee
"TRIED TO SHOOT OFFICERS" - continues with the random warrant with another random statement that has no relation to what is going on
"KOS HIT AT CURRENT TIME" - No idea what that means

Overall what I'm saying is he made a completley random arrest warrant, which was stupidly accepted by the Police Chief too which was weird, and this is relating to his over-the-top corruption which breaks 11.3 as he also endagered a police officer by opening fire with no good reason, and then randomly creating arrest warrants *on a police officer!*


RE: PR -> John Jong - Doctor Internet - Jul 19, 2018

Awaiting input from the accused.

RE: PR -> John Jong - Doctor Internet - Jul 19, 2018

Quote:if i remember correctly there was a shots fired or he was armed and shooting iirc not too sure, so i responded as swat at the time, he was armed and ready to shoot, earlier over voice gov radio i asked if he is shoot on sight due to the fact he was armed and had killed alot of people (to my knowledge) the chief then said yes so i went there he had already been stopped when i arrived so i didnt shoot him when i got there. I then proceeded to aggressivly order him to face the wall and handcuffed him and said if you move im going to shoot you (KOS order at time) then some other shots happened near by so went to deal with that, i go back and hes moving so i shoot in fear of he may of escaped cuffs (since he may have handcuff keys on him and got out), i got him revived and then he started to walk away when handcuffed (which is FearRP), he was then arrested to fair charges HEAVILY FUCKING ARMED well yes he is a police officer so he is so i put that down as it was used to kill people, ATTEMPTED TO FLEE well he did start to walk away which is fleeing aswell as we had to chase him down prior, TRIED TO SHOOT OFFICERS that was i believe the prior incident if the chief (who accepted it) thought it was incorrect surely he would deny due to the fact he assisted in the arrest, KOS HIT AT THE CURRENT TIME well the chief said he was shoot on sight so ye he had a KOS hit.

RE: PR -> John Jong - Doctor Internet - Jul 19, 2018

Essentially, I can see both sides of the argument here.

Whilst it is annoying to be arrested for what can be seen as a false reason, I can see why you were.

That being said, unless they are an active threat to your life.
Quote:11.7 - You cannot kill unarmed people or those who no longer pose a threat (injured, unconscious, handcuffed, etc). The only exception is if there is a dictator who orders an execution or capital punishment for an appropriate crime has been issued. You can shoot at fleeing vehicles only if the drivers are armed and dangerous or if they are clearly a threat to citizen/officers with the way they are driving.

At that point, they were handcuffed, and even if uncuffed, they wouldn't have a weapon. They weren't a threat to your life at that time.