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PR -> mark2766 - Printable Version

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PR -> mark2766 - Ricky LaFleur - Jun 28, 2018

Reported Players: mark2766 (STEAM_0:1:429317406)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jun-28 21:12
Summary: Said I had Down Syndrome, referring to my steam name in a derogatory way.

(OOC) mark2766: down syndrom e suits you anyway dude you should keep it


RE: PR -> mark2766 - Bambo - Jun 28, 2018

I've warned you both in-game countless times and it was happening back and forward. What he did is not allowed, but so is how you handled it.

Approved as this happened back and forth in-game with both sides warned. If it continues another day, it will be punished via a blacklist or a ban if more serious.