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PR -> LUSA WARRIOR - Printable Version

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PR -> LUSA WARRIOR - Dewis Leall - Jun 20, 2018

Reported Players: LUSA WARRIOR (STEAM_0:0:186995272) (@'SilvAfonso2')
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jun-19 23:00
Summary: I was playing Police Chief and had two officers on at the time. After dealing with a number of armed suspects at a location it was brought to my attention one officer was corrupt. After I was allowed to leave the scene I demoted the officer and put out a call for backup. As backup arrived I asked for a med kit however LUSA WARRIOR came back and was angry at being demoted. He came back and changed his job title to "Murder" (playing as citizen) and attempted to hostage us and kill us. I spoke OOC with the fellow officer about my shadow play multiple times to which he told me I was "Meta Gaming". I then said as he was about to move us that the second he attempted to kill us its RDM so he fires a shot at my head killing me and then attempts to finish me off however misses.

RE: PR -> LUSA WARRIOR - Bambo - Jun 20, 2018

Awaiting reply from @"SilvAfonso2".

Some pointers for the reported while replying.

Elfie was untied by the roped people. He was also not killed.

Job name was misspelled maybe done in a hurry.

@"OnlineSyco" was there a president at the time?

Also would like to say, you should say anything out of character regarding rules in LOOC unless it's urgent instead of Voice Radio. It at times can ruin roleplays. Just a friendly advice

RE: PR -> LUSA WARRIOR - Dewis Leall - Jun 21, 2018

There was not I don't think

RE: PR -> LUSA WARRIOR - Bambo - Jun 22, 2018

Although it's definitely questionable,

There weren't any means of getting you demoted if there wasn't a president. Lusa Warrior's actions were extreme and he should have at least roleplayed it out instead of executing for a mere demotion.

If there is no response by LUSA tomorrow I'll be concluding this

RE: PR -> LUSA WARRIOR - SilvAfonso - Jun 24, 2018

The problem is, i had a clan on my back and i was about to kidnap one of the officers, still he continued to talk ooc and made me think the best solution to continue the RP was to kill him and get hostage the other officer. At the end a SWAT Unit came and payed 2k for the officer. My decision to kidnap him was not because of my demotion but yes because my clan wanted to do some action. I tought i could be a citizen and change my job to "Murder" and kidnap someone.

RE: PR -> LUSA WARRIOR - Bambo - Jun 25, 2018

If you were acting as a clan, why did you not have your clan job set?

Also, if you not acting to get revenge for him demoting you, why did you kill him in the end instead of explaining the situation that it was not connected?

@"SilvAfonso2" has 24 hours to respond to the above questions before it's concluded.

RE: PR -> LUSA WARRIOR - SilvAfonso - Jun 25, 2018

First of all, im new at this part of the clan, i recently knew that i need to have my job title to my clan name. Second is, like i sayd, he was destroying my RP, he sayd in the midle of a RP he could talk OOC like he was and i took the decision to kill him with the reason not getting his mouth shut

RE: PR -> LUSA WARRIOR - Bambo - Jun 25, 2018

I believe this is in the end fault in both sides.

@"OnlineSyco" kept talking OOC interrupting or not enabling roleplay

@"SilvAfonso2" acted prematurely and harshly.

If both sides confirm they've learned from this incident, I'll be concluding this with no punishments given to any sides but a verbal advice and warning.

RE: PR -> LUSA WARRIOR - SilvAfonso - Jun 25, 2018

Ive learned from this mistake.

RE: PR -> LUSA WARRIOR - Bambo - Jun 27, 2018

Concluding this as approved with both sides hopefully learning from their mistakes and avoiding repeating it in the future.