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PR -> Tigo - Printable Version

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PR -> Tigo - Ricky LaFleur - Jun 19, 2018

Reported Players: Tigo (STEAM_0:1:117960675) (@Tigo)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jun-14 14:06
Summary: I made a PassiveRP airport with a runway, elevator plane, refuelling stations, security etc... and put a lot of effort into it, until this minge comes shouting at me saying its not allowed or whatever even though (as you can see in the screenshot) it was not on the road or anything. It also went underneath the driveway of the White house so it wasn't on a property I didn't own. He then decides to falsely backseat admin and spawn a huge 8x8x8 on my runway. The fact he tried to backseat admin was cancelled out due to the fact it was not breaking any rules, so therefore it was just blatant prop block. I asked him to remove it many, many times but it only got removed after he Disconnected.
(You can see by the shadows on the screenshot that the runway stopped underneath the gravel driveway).

Sorry for posting late but I was posting banned and it wasn't urgent enough to get someone else to do it, I also checked if he was punished for this incident to double check I wasn't necro reporting.

RE: PR -> Tigo - Night - Jun 20, 2018
