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Unban request : John Jong - Printable Version

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Unban request : John Jong - BigOwen - Jun 9, 2018

Posting on behalf of JohnJong               STEAM_0:1:14212289

Your Name: [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif][L²:RP][Aᴺ:RP] John Jong [/font]

Ban ID: [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]7216[/font]

Banned by: @Termin 

Server: Rockford

Ban Reason: PRA 21282 - NLR x2, Random raid, Prop climbing

Why should you be unbanned?: Hi, ik i got banned but could it please be postponed for the even due to me being the one filming the whole event. I will happily take another ban afterwards, it would literally be for the event - John Jong


- Limelight Gaming - Jun 9, 2018

The staff-members have received your unban-request, BigOwen.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Unban request : John Jong - Termin - Jun 10, 2018

Bans are punishments, don't break rules if you want to play on the server for any reason.
