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Medkit-Stuff Refund Request - Printable Version

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Medkit-Stuff Refund Request - Quest - May 31, 2018

Name: Quest
Refund details (include date and time if applicable):Spawned everything to make medkits at around 13:10 - This includes 5 Biomedical Enzymes and 5 Blood Clotting Agents. - The Labs were refunded but the things inside the labs were not. 
Reason: [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif] Server crash at around 13:15 BST 31/5/18[/font]

RE: Medkit-Stuff Refund Request - Night - May 31, 2018


As much as I would want to process this, server crashes aren't covered in the scope for refund requests. Just restarts, otherwise we'd have a whole lot more people requesting them.