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Unban Request - Printable Version

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Unban Request - Rogga - May 23, 2018

Your Name: 

Ban ID: 7123

Banned by: [L²] NightMare

Server: LimeLight CityRP [RockFord]

Ban Reason: Doomfort base.

Why should you be unbanned?: It was my first session on the server and I was getting used to things, I admit yes I did build a massive mingy doomfort with one-ways, but I didn't propblock? I was told by an admin to fix it and as I deleted my first couple props a raider ran in and started shooting things up. I didn't have much enough chance to fix before warned he was literally seconds and check that in logs if I must say, I had no where near enough time to rebuild a stable base.

Evidence: You have access to the logs yourself, those videos he posted are of fuck all really? No evidence to proof im a minge.

In conclusion, I admit I did build a fucked up base and shit but I was trying to fix it and didn't get much a chance, see its hard when well known players target newcomers. Anyway, thanks for reading and get back @ me. Oh and my names changed from Ched to Rogga, this is my original name tbf look at my Steam Logo

- Limelight Gaming - May 23, 2018

The staff-members have received your unban-request, Rogga.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Unban Request - Night - May 23, 2018

Hi there.

The suspension was mainly for the going against staff direction, as Internet had told you to fix it up yet it was still a problem. Namely, the floating camera, keypad being visible by defending party and this:

[Image: 6Y3wTmH.jpg]

That would be where the propblocking part came from.

RE: Unban Request - Rogga - May 23, 2018

It wasn't propblock, there was a keypad in the kitchen!

I admit to my wrong doings if you feel I should still be banned that is fine, ill wait my 2 days.

But I inform you im actually not a minge and I intent to roleplay correctly.

RE: Unban Request - Night - May 23, 2018

[Image: x93IdUw.png]

You'd still be in violation I'm afraid.

Unban appeal denied.