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PR -> Corven.AntiM8 - Printable Version

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PR -> Corven.AntiM8 - bananen_ephihal - May 22, 2018

Reported Players: Corven.AntiM8 (STEAM_0:0:162467388)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-May-22 01:27
Summary: The reported player CDMs me and @MaxDD and then try's to execute us with his fist and then he drives off. His job was a Mechanic at the moment.

He did it several times as we respawned.

RE: PR -> Corven.AntiM8 - Night - May 22, 2018

Do you have any further evidence? There's nothing to show that the Mechanic is in fact the person your reporting.

RE: PR -> Corven.AntiM8 - bananen_ephihal - May 22, 2018

I was Only able to take these screenshoots, I don’t have more evidence than this.

RE: PR -> Corven.AntiM8 - Night - May 23, 2018


Sadly without having further proof, I'm unable to reasonably identify who the person in the screenshot is. Next time, a screenshot of the scoreboard will help or if you get up close enough, take a picture of him like that.