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PR -> MaxDD - Printable Version

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PR -> MaxDD - Decay - May 17, 2018

Reported Players: MaxDD (STEAM_0:0:145308674) (@MaxDD)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-May-17 11:15
Summary: Was walking around minding my own business when Max showed up, pulled a gun and demanded 500 as a BMD with the job set to thug, in the middle of typing out the dropmoney command he shoots and I take off, he chases me down mainstreet and eventually injures me he brings me over to a medic to the medic heals me and he ties me up and puts me undergunpoint demanding that I come with him, puts me in his car and drives me to the ravine to kill me again.

I dont have much evidence but there is logs

RE: PR -> MaxDD - Bambo - May 17, 2018

Reported has 24 hours to respond.

RE: PR -> MaxDD - Bambo - May 18, 2018

The evidence above along with logs show that MaxDD mugged,  hostaged and and killed Decay, confirming all of these in one message he sent.

said "i tried mugging you and you ran away so im taking you somewhere to be killed"

MaxDD has 3 blacklists on weapons, so for this he'll recieve 6 hours of weapons blacklist.

Reasons being, invalid job to be mugging, kidnapping, killing.

A Black Market Dealer is a merchant, although he sells illegal stuff, he does not get into petty crime like mugging, and he does not kill or kidnap. Even if you change your job with /job while in the BMD job, you have to follow the initial job guidelines and rules.