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PR -> FIRElord105 - Printable Version

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PR -> FIRElord105 - Vadar - May 8, 2018

Reported Players: FIRElord105 (STEAM_0:0:162476130)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-May-08 20:23
--Posting on behalf of John Jong--
Violation of 3.3 (FailRP) & 11.7 "You cannot kill unarmed people or those who no longer pose a threat "
(Unknown Date & Time)
Evidence: , ,

RE: PR -> FIRElord105 - Night - May 9, 2018

Player report approved.

Player has been found in violation of 11.3, 11.7 and misuse of police tools and will be issued with a 2 day suspension and 2 hour weapons and police blacklist.

Thanks for the report.