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IVNT Forum Warning Appeal - Printable Version

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IVNT Forum Warning Appeal - give me the gamemode - May 7, 2018

Posting on behalf of @"IVNT" 
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)]
Your Name:  IVNT

Warning ID:  281

Issued by: [L²]Doctor Internet

Reason: Offtopic in a suggestion.

Why should it be removed?:  Before we begin boys, i'd first of all like to say, i've searched everywhere and this isn't a rule so what i  'broke' I didn't actually do as it's not a written rule.

Adding onto this, people are always putting 'OT:' before their -support or +supports meaning they were off topic in the post atleast once and OT meants on topic. so now, please do tell me what rule i broken and i'd like this dealt with by a superadmin and NOT doctor internet himself please.

Evidence: N/A

[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)]

RE: IVNT Forum Warning Appeal - Doctor Internet - May 7, 2018

Hello IVNT, thank you for your appeal.

(May 7, 2018, 05:51 PM)Tails Wrote: Why should it be removed?:  Before we begin boys, i'd first of all like to say, i've searched everywhere and this isn't a rule so what i  'broke' I didn't actually do as it's not a written rule.
General Rule #1, Do not spam.
General Rule #4, Do not troll in the serious forums. This includes the Community Related Information, CityRP Area, Serious Discussions and the Courthouse.
Arguably Posting Rule #9, Do not post with the sole intention of increasing your post count.

(May 7, 2018, 05:51 PM)Tails Wrote: Adding onto this, people are always putting 'OT:' before their -support or +supports meaning they were off topic in the post atleast once and OT meants on topic.
Yes, however the purpose of posts is to provide their input. This post which you made, I deemed to have no purpose other than to reference another topic for a "zing". This I deemed to be offtopic, and in the grand scheme of things, considering your priors, is why I issued the warning.

(May 7, 2018, 05:51 PM)Tails Wrote: and i'd like this dealt with by a superadmin and NOT doctor internet himself please.
Thank you for your request, but that has been denied.

Anything to add?

RE: IVNT Forum Warning Appeal - give me the gamemode - May 8, 2018

[Image: 2DCYRaE.png]

RE: IVNT Forum Warning Appeal - Doctor Internet - May 8, 2018

If you want to go into the specifics of the post, then we could also make passing mention to Posting rules 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Your post's message was only an offtopic jab at a staff member, which wasn't even relevant.

Unless you have any major evidence to change this viewpoint, the warning will remain as issued.

RE: IVNT Forum Warning Appeal - Doctor Internet - May 11, 2018

Two days have passed without response, thus denied and closed.