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CityRP Vehicular third person camera zoom is OP - Printable Version

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Vehicular third person camera zoom is OP - Yug Lanimirc - Apr 11, 2018

Explain your suggestion in detail:
If it is possible, bring back the old zoom levels of the third person camera when you're in a car. 

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:
The current third person camera zoom out ability is overpowered, giving people in a car an unrealistic and unfair advantage (For more details, see the full post below)

The issue:
I’ve been away from LL for a short while, and I decided to have a look around. Some minor changes have been made, like seemingly the removal of VCMod, which is neither here nor there. However, I did notice one new thing I both like and dislike at the same time, and that is the zoom function of the third person camera.

You used to be able to zoom out to only a limited degree. But now that distance has been greatly enhanced. (See evidence). Though I myself find it quite handy, it is a tool open for abuse in terms of reconnaissance. After all, I can just get into my car now next to for instance the Mesa Buildings, and peak in to see if there is any contraband, and if so, how many people are there, and if they are armed. This gives the person in the car an unfair and unrealistic advantage. It’s basically akin to putting a flying camera somewhere, which is against the rules, for a logical reason.

Imagine you want to commit a robbery or heist. Now you just put a stakeout guy in a car and he can look for cops for several blocks. Got contraband and you’ve got a crew? Put one guy in a car and he’ll be able to see the cops coming from miles away, giving you ample time to respond.

Therefore I suggest, if it is possible, to bring back the old zoom level, which allowed for a nice third person driving experience but doesn’t provide for unrealistic megazooms that allow you to see so far that non-rendered neighborhoods are visible. 

Suggestions or discussion is of course welcome in this thread. I've tried to search around to see if there was a previous thread on this topic, but I could find none, hence my posting this here. 
The ability to zoom out too far in a car gives the person in that car an unrealistic and unfair advantage.
Simple TL;DR:
Car zoom OP pls nerf

RE: Vehicular third person camera zoom is OP - Taylor - Apr 11, 2018

this is broken lmao


RE: Vehicular third person camera zoom is OP - Vadar - Apr 11, 2018

Hi @Yug Lanimirc ,
Could you edit your post to follow the guidelines Here.


RE: Vehicular third person camera zoom is OP - Jen - Apr 11, 2018

This is happening due to us no longer having vcmod. If anything can be done. +Support

RE: Vehicular third person camera zoom is OP - HeavyWolfPL - Apr 12, 2018

Actual zoom is also broke when someone enters our car as a passager.


RE: Vehicular third person camera zoom is OP - Dick - Apr 13, 2018

(Apr 11, 2018, 12:16 PM)Stell90 Wrote: This is happening due to us no longer having vcmod. If anything can be done. +Support

RE: Vehicular third person camera zoom is OP - Cooli - Apr 13, 2018


RE: Vehicular third person camera zoom is OP - Cole - Apr 14, 2018

+Support, this will also help decrease the amount of people using this to see over walls too.

RE: Vehicular third person camera zoom is OP - Nudel - Apr 17, 2018


Vehicular third person camera zoom is OP - Doctor Internet - Apr 18, 2018

Pushing for Staff Review.


Vehicular third person camera zoom is OP - Doctor Internet - Apr 25, 2018
