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Unblacklist Request - Printable Version

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Unblacklist Request - Memeimrich - Mar 27, 2018

Your Name: Memeimrich

Issued by: [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif][L²:M] roxas[/font]

Blacklist ID: [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]74465 and [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]74466[/font][/font]

Server: Both

Why should you be unblacklisted?: I'm not even sure why I've been blacklisted in the first place. I was a racist hick SWAT Officer (Description: NRA Cap | Gadsden Flag Shirt | Torn Blue Jeans | Mud-caked Boots | Radio on Hip | Dirty | Racist) and I arrested someone that had the description of something like "Communist Party Leader" for being something like "a commie with a bomb van"(?) after he parked inside the police station garage. I believe that would fit my RP just fine and could be dealt with in-character. I'm also really unsure why I've been accused of metagaming and would like to contest it.

Evidence: N/A

- Limelight Gaming - Mar 27, 2018

The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, Memeimrich.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Unblacklist Request - Hungames - Mar 27, 2018

INVOLVED: I was there at the time of the arrest. It was dealt with in character. He was unarrested like a minute after by me. Not really sure why he was blacklisted way after the fact. Also, just because you work for the government doesn't mean you are specially privileged or exempt from being arrested.

RE: Unblacklist Request - roxas - Mar 28, 2018

Hello @Memeimrich

thanks for your unblacklist request.
I recieved the call for that a minute or so after you left the server. I investigated the logs and everything else that I can use to review these cases. You have been accused of metagaming because it strongly looked like you were using the description of your "suspect" as an in-character reason to arrest him and to address him as communist.

Even more so - arrests might be IC in most of the cases, but a completly made up reason - especially a "bomb van", when he is a normal government worker is crossing the line. Plus all he did was parking his vehicle in the garage.

By now I see no reason to lift / remove it from your record. However, if you have anything else to add, I'm willing to listen to that of course.

RE: Unblacklist Request - Memeimrich - Mar 28, 2018


As far as I've been told, badges are not in-character when you look at someone. And as far as my character knew, he was just a random communist in a van trespassing and I'm a hick so I kinda shit on him with his arrest warrant. Maybe I'm shit at my job, it can be dealt with in-character and I can be fired. The description is in-character and I have every right to use it.

RE: Unblacklist Request - Doctor Internet - Mar 28, 2018

After an internal discussion, we have come to the decision that this blacklist appeal has been declined.

In closure, we have come to the agreement that the blacklist is valid, through the logs we have access to.