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Unban Request: sebasti161 - Printable Version

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Unban Request: sebasti161 - Emil - Mar 5, 2018

Posting on behalf of sebasti161


Your Name: sebasti161

Ban ID: 1127 - Staff Impersonation. Going on other communities to harm LimeLights image and reputation.
1286 - Double accounting
1300 - Double accounting
2634 - TOS
2636 - Double accounting to avoid ban

Banned by: Brynn - @Brynn
Noble - @Noble
[L²] Enzyme - @Enzyme

Server: CityRP

Ban Reason: 1127 - Staff Impersonation. Going on other communities to harm LimeLights image and reputation.
1286 - Double accounting
1300 - Double accounting
2634 - TOS
2636 - Double accounting to avoid ban

Why should you be unbanned?: Hello. I am posting an unban request here today because I wish to ask for a second chance after my actions on Limelight soon to be 2 years and 2 and a half years ago.

First I would like to begin with the Staff Impersonation ban and explain what happened. I was banned falsely at first for "Redacted" and after later finding it out was because I had received a DDoS ban on Fearless which I had no idea of at the time and later was removed on FL and on LL. I was honestly really pissed and I thought you wouldn't believe me so I went on DarkRP servers with my name as [L²] Nacreas and minged, then recorded it and uploaded it to youtube because I thought it was funny, which later I deleted. Now ofcourse I realize this is no excuse for what I did but I was 13 years old at the time so I didn't think about or understand that my actions would have consequences.

Second, I want to explain why I believe the ToS ban is invalid and should be removed. I messaged Brynn on steam saying something along the lines of "I have the limelight cityrp gamemode" or "someone sent me the limelight gamemode" for reasons which still makes me wonder today. A friend had sent me a clientside-file grab of the "gamemode" which would not work at all if I tried to set it up myself and honestly I didn't know that until Voluptious added me to ask me about it and told me that. I should have left it alone to not screw up my chances of getting unbanned even more but I still believe the ToS ban is invalid.

Third, I want to apologize for the double accounting I have done on 3 occasions (From what I remember.) which all resulted in a permanent ban as well. The last time I did this was in april of 2016 and after that I had realized the huge consequences that double accounting had, I stopped because maybe after a few years you would forgive me for the trouble I caused. 

I really hope you consider unbanning me or maybe shortening the ban but if you dont I fully understand why.
Thank you for reading my unban request!

Evidence: N/A

[EDIT: Fixed grammar in some parts]

- Limelight Gaming - Mar 5, 2018

The staff-members have received your unban-request, Emil.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

RE: Unban Request: sebasti161 - Noble - Mar 5, 2018

I'm all for second chances but I'll defer my ban to @Enzyme 's judgement since I am no longer an administrator.

RE: Unban Request: sebasti161 - Enzyme - Mar 5, 2018

Under review.

RE: Unban Request: sebasti161 - Enzyme - Mar 18, 2018

Apologies for the delay on this case. I've asked for opinions from other staff-members on this case. 

Personally however, I'm not convinced about unbanning you due to your very serious record.
I'll gather other opinions on this.

RE: Unban Request: sebasti161 - Enzyme - Mar 29, 2018

After gathering opinons on this case which also align with my own, I've decided to deny this UBR due to the serious record of yours.
Your actions were taken too far, and they were unacceptable. 
