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PR -> Brin - Printable Version

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PR -> Brin - Toro PDX - Mar 1, 2018

Reported Players: Brin (STEAM_0:0:138425082)  (@'brinbob12')
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Feb-28 15:46
Summary: @Brin has came out of no where and knifed two people down for no IC reason which is RDM as the job title Gypsy
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RE: PR -> Brin - 26' - Mar 1, 2018

Under Investigation.

RE: PR -> Brin - 26' - Mar 1, 2018

Ok, the main question here is as why Brin has decided to knife them, The job title is fine to carry a weapon, there is no issue there. I'd just like to know the reason for the killings.

RE: PR -> Brin - Brin. - Mar 1, 2018

I accidentally killed one and i have a video of what happened before that that made me join in.
Sorry the second one is laggy af idek why

RE: PR -> Brin - Brin. - Mar 1, 2018

ill sum it up before hand though, they were harrassing me for like an
hour,a coming abck every 2 minutes for any reason and aggrovating me when im trying
to rp, they were all news reporters fighting each other where i placed my rv dupe

i was trying to go after corleone because they punched me several

times before and also tried to prop kill me, recording it laggy af cus server is trash

RE: PR -> Brin - 26' - Mar 1, 2018

Alright from the evidence provided it has seems the actions done by Brin were reasonable 
and that no rules were broken. 
