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PR -> Jessica(BM) - Printable Version

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PR -> Jessica(BM) - The Captain - Feb 17, 2018

Reported Players: Jessica(BM) (STEAM_0:1:29183629) (@Bryce(BM))
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Feb-16 23:55
Summary: What's up gamer guys and gamer girls! It's ya boy, Farty McMarty back with another legit PR.

"So what happened here?" I hear you cry Mr admin, well have I got a story for you! Basically, Bryce tried to turn back around in a vein attempt to help his friends escape from PC Dick (me) and my partner PC Dom (Da Cool Cow). Me, being the vigilant officer that I am, notice Bryce trying his little LJS trick and decide to stop him. He then breaks FearRP by not getting out of his car whilst under gunpoint, even with repeated requests using both the voice chat and the text chat. When Dom tries to break the window, BadBoyBryce decides to put the pedal to the metal. Unfortunately my cat like reflexes helped me to notice this and I swiftly shot him before he ran me over.

RE: PR -> Jessica(BM) - Doctor Internet - Feb 17, 2018

User has 24 hours to respond. @Bryce(BM)

RE: PR -> Jessica(BM) - The Captain - Feb 17, 2018

I should add this bit of information. This happened on the 4th of February at a around 5 past midnight. Although a blatant fearRP breakage, i wasn't rushing to post it as everyone makes mistakes. After seeing him break it today on another PR and in game against another player, i felt like I should post this.

RE: PR -> Jessica(BM) - Bryce(BM) - Feb 17, 2018

My game was lagging and when i clicked e my w and e key was stuck and it click e and w at one time so my car started to move forword into The officer
It was not my intention to cdm that officer it was a accident

RE: PR -> Jessica(BM) - Doctor Internet - Feb 17, 2018

From what I can see here:
4 seconds - 10 seconds. You attempt to drive off, under gunpoint. This stops when the officer walks in-front of your vehicle.
10 seconds - 21 seconds. You are given at least 10 verbal commands, and 3 written commands to leave the vehicle, you fail to do so.
21 seconds onwards. You hit the officer, attempt to drive off and get killed for it.

Player Report Approved. A one day suspension for FearRP will be applied.