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BMIs vs Default rules - Printable Version

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BMIs vs Default rules - Jokhah - Jan 30, 2018

Are BMIs classified as illegal or not illegal?

Case in point UV Lights ARE a BMI.  If they aren't illegal, why are they classified as a BMI?

Weed: Again a BMI, Is it classified as illegal or not illegal by default?



Drugs in general....

The point I'm trying to make is that Black Market Items generally implies that they are illegal goods.  There is a constant and very annoying, opinion driven debate on what IS or IS NOT illegal.  While I understand that the laws might change the situation, this is simply to figure out what the default is when in absence of law makers.

Clear the air about it already.  Don't just talk, make it clear and readable on the damn F1 menu so as to stop the bullshit.


RE: BMIs vs Default rules - roxas - Jan 30, 2018

I'd say that at least UV lights should be removed from the BM section, as they can be utilized for many great RPs. (Tanning Salon RP, Erotic RP of any kind, etc)

So seeing a UV light should never be a reason for the police to search someone's property.

RE: BMIs vs Default rules - Soviethooves - Jan 31, 2018

Black Market Dealer are more or less a rare commodities dealer. At this point, if we were to strip the market items off BMD’s that are legal items, it would be a useless job except for meth.

Even then you can argue that guns are mostly restricted or downright sometimes illegal, so why do we allow them in the market? Because with a dealer job you can be flexible. From selling in an alley to co-owning a gun store and selling suppressors and kevlar with a gun dealer.

Weed (and other drugs) are not illegal by default
Kevlar is not illegal by default
Breaches are not illegal by default

And there is no BS. This police force is what makes it a problem. They all have differing opinions of “common law” even I do. If we had a trained (whitelisted) PD that knew how to makes these decisions and work with the laws better, we wouldn’t have this problem.

RE: BMIs vs Default rules - Wesley Lawrence - Jan 31, 2018

(Jan 30, 2018, 09:20 PM)roxas Wrote: I'd say that at least UV lights should be removed from the BM section, as they can be utilized for many great RPs. (Tanning Salon RP, Erotic RP of any kind, etc)

So  seeing a UV light should never be a reason for the police to search someone's property.

In real life, searches are based (primarily) off power usage of said household. If it's summertime and a household is using power as if they're burning their central heating at 900 °C, something's wrong. There are other ways to figure out if someone is tapping into the power of their neighbors or if they're using excessive power for some reason, but those should be the true reasons. Not just seeing one or two UV lights on.

Back on topic, I feel like the UV lights shouldn't be manufactures by blackmarket dealers. It should be a household item for you to freely be able to purchase, however, (and I don't know the maximum) if you excessively exceed a certain amount of UV lights in one place, it could be subject to a search.

Drugs/marihuana, etc. ...I am not too sure what the exact laws in OR or whatever state Rockford is based on are on having drugs on-person, in your house or in your vehicle; but the seeds should remain as a more... rare item, let's say. Even here in The Netherlands (which is often believed to be a country made out of one big chunk of ku$h) there are some VERY strict laws (which violations of are often condoned within reason in some municipalities) regarding the sales of such seeds, growing it and having it on-person or in your vehicle.

Kevlar? Shouldn't be illegal. Like @"Gungranny" said, co-owning a sporting goods/gun shop and co-selling said weaponry and armor should be perfectly normal. Or, at least, allowed.

Breaching charge is a bit of a grey topic, as I feel like the actual breaching charge should be put in the armory for SWAT to use (preferably with a REP lock of like... 3-5 REPs) and there should be a civilian semtex/clay-plastic type explosive that could be sold by blackmarket dealers.

Lots of rambling, but basically: some items a blackmarket dealer sells, shouldn't even be listed as a blackmarket item.

RE: BMIs vs Default rules - Jokhah - Feb 1, 2018

When I was on active duty, the 12B's showed me how to use 1000cc's of IV fluids and a small bit of detcord to blow in steel doors. Perhaps we could move breaches to the gov and get something a bit more illegal like you said.

Lots of good feedback in here, love it.

I'm not understanding why he's the black market if most of his items are legal by default. It would seem that over the course of the gamemode, the polarity has shifted and perhaps he should be rebranded, or we could start hashing out illegal items that function into this job. I have loved the BMD since I first played back in the day. My first 200 hours on this GM were all BMD. He's just not nearly what he used to be, with the way all the changes have taken place.

Perhaps this new placeable C4 breach has an alternate skin we can use for the BMD when it becomes a thing.

With the drugs having no realistic value, what do yall think we should do with that system? It seems pointless to have 4-5 different ways to potentially kill yourself. I still say that they should give temporary buffs, as well as their shitty overlay effects, to give them some purpose. Another idea would be to remove them from market, make them growable / produceable, and add them to the dealer NPC for him to buy, then rework all the pricing to make it more fluid to one another.

There is a dark rp that I used to play on which the drug labs functioned differently. Instead of producing money (exactly like printers), you would select which drug you wanted it to produce. It would then produce the drug at a variable time (in a range) depending on which drug was selected. At the end it would shit out the drug, but with our systems it could just hold it and give it to the inventory when you press E.

The difference with that game though was that you had to buy crates to put them in, then inventory the crate, then take the crate to the npc. With our system I do not think this is possible, but if it was, it would make use of the dusty packaging system we have. Would require some database work to have the packages store the items, but if the package renamed to something that could be used as an ID (I.E. Heroine Package 1/XX) then it would function fine. Could even make it where you had to hand carry the package to the NPC and deliver that way, would give the trucks some additional purpose, and the vans if they hold the props. This would also present more opportunity for the government/criminal interactions, as they would actually have to leave the base to deliver the goods, which would mean that they would have to decide how big of a load, run protection, possibly bribe off cops, ect.

If you went with the package system, you could also add an NPC to the PD for when the police collect up boxes of drugs, for them to turn it. If we adopt the government budget ideas, this could be used as additional income for such a system.

Last idea: What if contraband was purchased via BMD? Could be stored in inventory at that time, as it's dropped not used. Would kinda make sense that you can't just asspull contra from thin air.