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[Accepted] Nemesis' Application - Printable Version

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[Accepted] Nemesis' Application - Mohammad Albingy - Jan 26, 2018

[Image: 2TXie2d.png]

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Nemesis

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:3610112

Your Age: 21

Hours on server: 27

RP Events you have been in: None so far on LL but many on FL

Reps Issued: None

Ban History on Limelight: None

Blacklist History on Limelight: None

Warning history on Limelight: N


In Character Information:
(Be as creative as you can)

Division you are applying for: International Manufacturing Division


Full Name: Mohammad Albingy

All Nicknames: Big Moh

Age: 21

Date of Application: 26/01/18


Date of birth:  01/03/1996

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Uganda

Telephone Number: N/A

Mobile: [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]07686125532[/font]

Driver's License Number: Big251667Moh23


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 10 Richard Drive

Zip code: 11885

Suburb / City Rockford

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: Budongo Eco Lodge, Budongo Forest National Reserve, Masindi, Uganda

Zip code: N/A

Suburb / City [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Masindi[/font]


Why are you applying?
I am applying for the [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Manufacturing Division because i believe i am a pretty skillful builder and could bring a lot of experience to the FUMUKU  fleet.[/font]

What is your background in the field you are applying for?
I have done a vast amount of building in my past building and creating anything from impenetrable fortresses to fully functional mansions or even something practical like a shop. In the past i have sold some of my work to different people making a fair amount of money in the process. 
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
I believe i could be very useful to FUMUKU and help with anything you require i don't mind doing anything even the boring tasks like sitting fishing if its needed to be done im more than happy to help.
What will you offer FUMUKU?
As stated above i offer my services with my experience being mainly in building but i am willing to learn and adapt to what ever is required of me at the time.
Character Bio:
I grew up in Uganda in the forest building to survive thriving of the land and becoming very good at building things that i need and adapting to the environment by also learning to hunt with a rifle . Although life was good in the forest it started to take a turn for the worse when a local drug lord demanded i work for him or die I prolonged my stay as much as i can until they blew up my tree house and burned down the surrounding area. This led to me having to flee Uganda and move to Rockford where i hope to start a new life away from the crazy drug lord and hopefully find many new friends.

RE: [S:1] Nemesis' Application - Dick - Jan 29, 2018

Thank you for your application.

Your application is currently under discussion by the FUMUKU International Officers.
Your application should be notified shortly with the outcome.
Thank you.

Current Status: Stage One

Your application will be reviewed in:
One to five working days.

[Image: tt4UICh.png]

RE: [S:1] Nemesis' Application - Dick - Feb 4, 2018

Thank you for your patience

Current Status: Concluded

Your Application has been:

[Image: ZSHKa7F.png]

Congratulations on the success of your application. Welcome to the team our newest Officer, Mohammad Albingy!

The team notes:
Welcome to the Team, Albingy. Well done. As a public notice, You have been noticed for instant extension to Stage One to Stage Three due to the team not thinking you required to go through Commissionary training, Tots to you. Anyways, Congratulations.

Welcome to the team. Your first task is to make me a cup of coffee-... I mean, we are going to prepare some warmup exercises to make you FUMUKU fit. Once again, welcome to the team.

We do it, because we can.

[Image: tt4UICh.png]