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PR -> BOO!!!!!! - Printable Version

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PR -> BOO!!!!!! - Minhaj Haque - Jan 26, 2018

Reported Players: BOO!!!!!! (STEAM_0:1:157990967)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jan-26 11:06
Summary: Did not advert raid just came in my house shot all the doors and just hostage roped me with no advert what so ever.

RE: PR -> BOO!!!!!! - Night - Jan 26, 2018

Adverts aren't required, though I would like to know the reason behind the raid.

Accused has 24 hours to respond.

RE: PR -> BOO!!!!!! - Minhaj Haque - Jan 26, 2018

Oh ok well i dont think he had a reason i even just joined the game as soon as i owned all the doors thats when he came in

RE: PR -> BOO!!!!!! - Night - Jan 30, 2018

Apologies for delay in conclusion, as I had work matters and had to bring this up with another member of staff too.

Player report approved.

Player has been found in violation of rule 3.1 and 3.5. As the player is already serving a suspension which I feel is lengthy enough as is, a 3 hour weapons blacklist will be issued due to the rapsheet of the accused being extremely lengthy.

Thanks for the report.

[L²:M] Nightmare
Server Moderation Team